Chapter: 3

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Five in the morning, I couldn't sleep anymore so I stepped outside to watch the sunrise.
"Today's gonna be a good day." I said as the neighbors car pulled out of the driveway.
I went down stairs to get in my car to go get some coffee. As I was about to pull out, my sister Araiya ran out to join me. She jumped into the car and started with a smile.
"You got money?" I asked.
She nodded. So we went. Along the way driving I took a much longer and relaxing route.
When we arrived a police blockade formed into the middle of the road.
"Sir we're gonna have to ask you to leave. I paused. Please leave." The officer punted us away as we drove off.
"What was that? You think I would know? She asked and I sarcastically answered."
As we were driving Araiya grabbed the aux cord to play her music but I got distracted. I looked back to the front and a car driving on our land was heading towards us. I wrapped my arm across her chest and pulled up my legs to hold me back from impact but it was too late for her to do the same.
As both cars collided we flipped over the other car and landed top first. It was black.
     "Araiya are you ok? I asked." Yet no answer. I looked at her seat as she had hit the dashboard but not busted through the visor.
    I unbuckled the seat belt and crawled out of the car. No broken bones just a couple of cuts and scrapes.
   "Hey, Araiya you there? I walked over to her side and opened the door."
   Unbuckling her seat belt buckle I dragged her out of the car. Checked her legs arms nothing broken, but she was unconscious.
   I went back to the car to look for one of our phones but one was shattered and the other broken. So I couldn't call the ambulance.
    "Be strong sis you'll make it through." I picked her up and carried her along side of the road to the nearest hospital.
One full hour of walking and no hospital was in sight but near by. As we arrived an attendant quickly pulled out a wheelchair and carried her to a few doctors.
As I finished signing the papers I give them to the attendant and asked. "What room is she in? She apologized. Sir I'm sorry but you can't go in there."
"Ma'am I'm sorry to say but I've protected her my whole life and I'm not letting that slide today. If you have a problem with that I wouldn't mind beating some sense into you." She paused.
"Just wait a couple of minutes for them to get her situated and you can let her in. Please."
"Damn right." I called out.
Twenty minutes later the attendant said I can go in and see her.
As I walked into the room I saw how heavily bandaged she was on her arms. Pulling a chair I sat next her to keep company.
"Hey Jacob." The doctor came in.
"Doctor Cashmen good to see you." I shook his hand and greeted him.
"Just saying that thing you did with the attendant, yeah just try to hold in your anger." I laughed a bit as he rementioned it." 
"She should be awake any minute now, I can promise you that."

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