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Have you ever felt something inside you just kind of... plummet? Have you ever felt everything just break and its like your entire frame cracked inside you. If you havent, avoid it.
This was probably the 5th or 6th night in a row I dug my razor into my hips. I cant say I regret it now, but I probably will later.
I laid down and felt the pain from the fresh wounds on my hips. A highly dangerous move, yes. Did I care if they got infected and I died? Hell no.
It always struck me as strange that a single song could tear you up so bad. But as I shoved my headphones in my ears and put my 2000 minute playlist on shuffle, the song I would listen to so I could fill the void his absence left clicked on, and I swear to god I had never felt so broken. Tears slipped down my cheeks and I regretted ever meeting him, for just a second. Then I was crying because I missed him. But I was still clueless. I cant honestly understand how I missed every sign that he was using me, but I guess thats what happens when you're in love.

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