Alright backtrack to April again. At my school, the locker rooms are hidden behind the gym where no one goes, and there's a place to sit and hang out after PE, but people still go to drop off sports clothes and gym clothes in their locker before school. (Josh was a wrestler, quick little infomark) So he planned something out. He said he was going to show me what he was saying he was gonna do wasnt just bluffing. So Tuesday morning in early/mid april, I met him behind the locker rooms. Ill just shorten what happened into something I'd classify as cloud-9 on earth. All those cheesy books about romance say making out with the person you love is 'magical', but I'll tell you something... this was seventh-heaven. the taste of weed at the back of his throat (i found that out a loooooot later, by the by.), the smell of his cologne, how warm he was and how soft the kiss started and how rough it ended. It was the only thing ive ever experienced that could sent me into a state of pure bliss, nothing else has yet to come close to making me feel like that. And I still miss the way his lips felt, if I could I'd do it again, but lets not go into details like that.