Never Say Goodbye (Etheah)

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On the other side of the lake I knew,

I frowned as I missed the shot once again and I lowered my bow. What the heck was wrong with me today? I couldn't aim if my life depended on it. I was normally much better than this, even if I was more experienced with a sword.

I sighed and walked up to the target and pulled out the arrows stuck in it and on the tree around it, trying to figure out what was the problem.

Stood a girl, I know it's true.

I then noticed someone, a teenage boy with white hair around eighteen or nineteen on the other side of the lake I was near. My house wasn't that far from here and the lake was calming, so I normally hung around here, but I hadn't ever seen anyone else before.

I walked up to the edge of the lake on my side, looking to see what he was doing. It looked like he was practicing magic, fire magic to be exact.

So what else could I do?

I smiled. It was nice to even just see someone else around, since most of the time all I had for company was the animals and my weapons.

I knew the town wasn't that far, but there seemed to be less people there every time I visited, which I normally only did to get food and other necessities.

So I said hi to you.

I noticed that he had looked up and saw me and I waved. He smiled and waved back, causing me to smile as well.


Three years and it went great,

It has been three years. The teenager, whose name was Ethen, and I had become boyfriend and girlfriend. We had become very close, tackling any problem we were faced with side-by-side.

Our house by a lake.

We had built a house at the edge of the lake we met at. We shared it, due to the fact that Ethen's house had burned down and strange things were happening near my house, so I decided to abandon it. We were both fine with this, it was a bit strange at first but we quickly adjusted.

Sunset on another perfect day.

But that stuff doesn't really matter right now. Right now was not to be disturbed by any thoughts of the past and/or present. Ethen had just giving me a wonderful gold necklace with a diamond heart on it and now we were sitting at the edge of the lake just watching the sunset. It was perfect.

Oh but that one night,

"Hey Ethen?" I murmured.

"Yeah?" he said.

"We'll always be together, right?" I said, smiling. I glanced at him and I noticed he suddenly looked nervous.

It didn't feel right.

He bit his lip and nodded. "Of course."

Ok, that was weird. I frowned.

'Cause there was something,

The calm, peaceful atmosphere suddenly disappeared. What was going on? Was he leaving me? Was the gift just a way to make it not as hard for me when he said he loved somebody else?

I wasn't trusting.

Was he planning to kidnap me? It didn't seem that crazy considering some of our previous adventures. I shook my head. No, Ethen wouldn't do any of those things. My thoughts were just going wild about something probably not even important.

"Let's go inside." I said, still not feeling completely reassured no matter how many times I told myself this.

"Sure." Ethen said, looking a bit relieved, and we got up and headed inside. We probably would've gone inside soon anyway, since the sunset was ending and the nights were kind of chilly due to it being autumn.

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