MBBF- Chapter four

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Chapter four-

"Hey Katie." Alex whispered nudging me to get my attention.

"Yeah?" I asked and slowly turned around on my chair to face him as so not to be in anymore trouble from mr hunter. That was the last thing I needed.

"One of my best friends from way back in elementary school is joining. His name is lance and I know how good you are at making people feel welcome so I was wondering if you could help me to make him feel more at home here. He finds it quite hard to make friends and I'm sure he would really appreciate it." He said smiling. I was flattered that he chose me to help his friend. Of course I would help him I loved making new friends and helping people.

"Sure! I would love to help him. Should we meet up after lunch to give him the tour?" I asked him. I was excited about this new student.

"Great! I'll just text him the plan. Is it ok if he eats with us?" Alex asked me

"Of course! I don't choose who eats with us!" I laughed. People just chose to let us have our own special table and they thought that they weren't allowed there. They really made their own rules and fears.

"Perfect! Thanks babe." Alex said and kissed my cheek as he began to text his friend. Lance. What an unusual name. It was a nice name though and it was growing on me. I hoped he was friendly because to be honest people didn't have time for unfriendly people here

"Alex and Katie taking again! That is it detention after school today for an hour!" Mr hunter screamed at us spraying his spit in my face in the process. Wiping the saliva away from my face with disgust I looked him straight in the eye and said

"Mr hunter it is the first day of school and if I recall you cannot give us detention. Especially as we were helping a new person." I wasn't normally this confrontational but when it came to him I did not want a detention, even if he was twenty something and the whole school was crushing on him.

"Helping a new person by texting in class and taking?" He said and smirked with one eyebrow raised. Completely unfazed by the argument he had thrown forward I retaliated calmly.

"Yes we were thank you very much. Alex here was telling him to meet us at lunch so we could show him around." I said still looking at him straight in the eye so he could tell I wasn't lying.

"Well..." He began to say but was cut off as the bell rang signalling the start of lunch.

"And please keep your saliva inside your mouth in the future. Thank you sir." I said sarcastically and walked out showing him my sassy side which I don't show that often.

"Nice!" Alex said and high fived me.

"A high five seriously?" I smiled as I high fived his hand. Alex was a dork sometimes but let's face it dorks are cute!

"Yup! You know you love my inner dork baby!" Alex said grinning walking with me to the lunch hall, where we spent an hour and a half of much needed rest from school before heading off to the last classes of the day.

"Sure do!" I smiled and held his hand. " so where is lance?" I asked him. I had no idea what the guy looked like so I was pretty much lost.

"Well he said that he had to go out and do something so he won't be back until around one thirty so we only have half and hour for the tour." Alex said walking with me over to the lunch bar where we were served.

"Oh that's ok. I wonder what he has to do?" I half asked Alex and half asked myself.

"Family stuff." Alex simply replied as the lunch lady pilled some slops on to my plate.

"Erm.. Thank you it looks yummy!" I lied to the lady so I wouldn't hurt her feelings.

"Hm." She grunted and began serving the person behind me. I made sure she wasn't looking and quickly chucked my food in the bin and grabbed an apple, some salad and lastly my little treat, a chocolate bar.

"Come on Katie." Alex said leading me to our table. We had the biggest table in the cafeteria. The people that sat on it were the 'popular people' and those included, me, Alex, Olivia, Amanda (the head cheerleader) Kyle, and the rest of the cheer leading and football teams. But now someone different was sitting there. In stead of Kyle, sitting in his place was max.

Not wanting Kyle to beat the kid into a mushy stew I gently asked max "excuse me you must be max? Well hey I'm Katie and not to be mean but that's already someones seat you see, so maybe you could move to another?"

"Hey" he said smiling "I just wanted to sit next to Olivia, couldn't the other person just sit somewhere else?"

Not if the person was Kyle, I thought to myself. I opened my mouth to answer but was cut off when Kyle arrived looking ready to kill.

"Who the hell is this? And why is he sitting next to my girl in my place at my table?" Kyle asked making the my's very clear.

"Your table? Your girl? Your place? Since when? This is a free country and I can sit where I damn well want!" Max said rising up off his place looking angry.

"Thanks for moving kid." Kyle said seeing that max was standing up. Kyle tried to lift him up and moved him but to everyone's surprise max stayed put.

"I am sitting here next to my girl." Max said calmly. "If you don't like that you can move."

"No you can move!" Kyle said completely loosing it. He began to aim punches at max but missed everytime. And he was getting angrier by the second. Kyle was supposed to be the strongest one. The leader and now this other person was beating him in a fight he hated it.

"You can move, or I can use force." Max said calmly. Wow oliva sure had caught a good guy.

"ba****d." Kyle said almost growling. He pushed one of the younger kids on another table of their chairs and moved it to our table next to alex, still glaring at max as he chatted to Olivia.

After everyone had calmed down from that little episode the chatter on the table resumed as normal about the usual things, prom, boyfriends, gossip, the football team, the cheer leading team ect.

"Katie babes it's one thirty now we should get going to meet lance." Alex said to me. Lance! In all the drama I had almost forgotten.

"Sure lets go. Bye guys!" I said waving at everyone and waking off hand in hand with Alex. We walked to the front of school where Alex had told lance to meet us. I saw a tall figure walk towards us who I guessed must be lance.

"There he is." Alex said pointing at figure nearing us every step. Lance looked strangely familiar.

"Hey I'm lance." He said to me.I looked up from my little day dream seeing that he was now right in front of me.

"Crap!" I said under my breath looking up towards him. This was lance?

"You're katie?" Lance asked recognising me from our little 'conversation' in the corridors earlier today. Great.

~authors note~

Ek! It's lance from earlier! Sorry if you guys guessed this super cliche scene happening I just thought it would be perfect for the book! thank you and happy reading!

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