MBBF- Chapter six

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~chapter 6~

After my day at school I walked home kicking a rock across the many blocks leading to my street. My mind was spinning with thoughts about Alex and Lance. Trying to push the unwanted thoughts away, I concentrated on kicking my rock as far as I could.

"Hey katie!" I heard running and panting, "wait up!" I heard the voice call. spinning around I saw who the voice belonged to, Vivienne she didn't really hang out with the same people I did, but she was nice enough. We had been neighbours ever since I could toddle and our mums are close friends.

We had been through a lot together, especially when her parents divorced, that was really tough for her. When we were younger we often went round to each other's houses after school, to play, or as we got older to do homework and go to the park. But when we started high school, we both decided to keep ourselves to ourselves.

Rachel more often than not decided to hang around with the drama geeks, and I fitted in more with Olivia, Alex, Max and the other 'popular' people. Vivienne and I didn't even walk home together anymore, despite living next door! I guess we both decided on a fresh start for high school, and sometimes I think, if I had stayed been best friends with Rachel, I would still be wearing flared jeans and paisley shirts to school.

"Oh hi Vivienne! What's up?" I asked her smiling. I took in her appearance, my smile dropping a little. Vivienne could be so pretty, if only she knew it. Today she was wearing a green knee length skirt, a yellow and orange checkered top, untucked from the skirt, no make up, and trainers! I shuddered. She could so pretty if she tried, with her thick blond hair that almost goes down to her waist and her sparkling blue eyes, she had model looks. Underneath her baggy, I'll fitting clothes was a really thin person although you wouldn't have guessed.

I mentally replaced the green, knee length skirt with a short black skater skirt, then the checkered top with a white bralet, the trainers were replaced with black pumps. And her hair was put up, out of it's middle parting, into a messy bun. There, much better. I made a mental note to persuade her to get these items if we ever went shopping.

"Well... I was actually wondering if you wanted to go shopping this weekend?" she asked me, sounding a little shy. I smiled at her and nodded my head. "I kind of... like this guy... and... well... he won't even look at me when I look like this!" she explained stuttering. This was the perfect opportunity to give her a makeover! About time!

"Of course! I would love to help you! So... who's the guy" I asked her smiling. Was it Jeremy? Luke, Kyle?! Lance? my heart sunk a little at that last thought but I brushed that to the back if my mind. I was with Alex, not Lance.

"Um... I can't really say..." she said. aww cute! she was so shy about this it seemed impossible not to want to help her win this guy over! I will make it my task to help her achieve her potential, I promised myself. I wondered who the guy is, it could really be anyone at all. I guess I didn't really know her anymore.

Now, I regretted not spending as much time with her, and promised myself that would change. I would try to get to know her again, and try to be as close friends like we were before. "I'm going to make you look so cute, he won't be able to keep his eyes off you!" I promised Vivienne, smiling.

"Really?" she asked me smiling happily, sounding like she could hardly believe I said I would help her. "Thanks so much katie! Thank you!" I smiled and accepted her 'thank you's and said a quick your welcome and a goodbye as she entered her house. I kept on walking until I reached mine two seconds later. I need to remember that I'm going shopping with Vivienne on Saturday, I also need to help her pick out her outfit for the day if we were going to be at the mall.

Walking up the stairs in my home I quickly texted her, telling her to meet me at ten on Saturday morning. Then walking to my room I decided to make a start on my homework.

~one hour later~

"Katie!" I heard my mum yell up the stairs. "Alex just called, he says he wants to meet you after football practice today!" I smiled thinking of how cute Alex always looked after football practice in his uniform. I only hoped Lance wasn't there, and I wouldn't do anything stupid. "Katie!" my mum yelled again.

"I'm just coming mum! wait a second!" I yelled back down, putting my jacket on and making my way down stairs. "Ok I'm going now, see you soon!" I yelled to her, grabbing my iPod off the kitchen counter and putting my headphones in. I closed the door and began to walk the short, fifteen minute walk to the schools playing fields. The song 'blurred lines' came on and I sang along inside my head. After about three more songs I arrived at the playing fields greeted by shouts and smirks from hot, sweaty boys.

Then I saw Lance, jogging towards me. My heard rate began to increase. No. Stop it Katie, you love Alex. This little crush on Lance was getting annoying. Soon Alex saw me and ran towards me, soon catching up with Lance. I breathed a sigh of relief and ran to hug Alex. "How was practice babe?" I asked him smiling.

I saw the tiniest hint of something flash in Lance's eyes, but soon it was gone. Jealousy? No it couldn't be, after all Lance had Sofia, and I wasn't really anything compared to her. Alex hugged me back and kissed me, I joined in but slightly less enthusiastic, I don't know what's wrong with me.

"It was awesome! I think we're all set to beat those Newhill High's kids asses in the cup next semester, right?" Alex said fist pumping Lance, these guys were just too cute for their own good.


"Damn right we are!" Lance agreed and walked off to get changed. Alex told me to wait outside for a few minutes while he changed. I agreed and took out my iPod again. I let the music wash over me and it calmed me taking away all the confusion that I had felt previously.

After a while I looked at my clock and realised that it had been over ten minutes and Alex still wasnt here. This was weird he normally didn't take this long to get changes he was always really quick because he knew I wanted to get home for friends on TV. I hope I haven't missed any because I really love that show!

I saw lance walking out of the changing room with concern written on his face. "Isn't Alex out yet? I saw him leave the changing rooms over five minutes ago." Lance said. What? Why wasn't he here then? I trusted Alex I knew he wouldn't do anything. Would he?

"I'm sorry for being a total jerk earlier." I apologised to him sincerely. I really did feel bad especially since he was actually really nice when you got to know him a little more and not even really a bad ass like he was made out to be. He smirked and lifted his hand to his ear.

"What was that princess?"he asked. I repeated what I had said yet he still asked "in sorry what?"

"I'm fu**ing sorry!"I yelled attracting the attention of some other football players. "Sorry guys! Get back to your game!" I yelled to them and they reluctantly turned around an continued with the game.

"Apology accepted." Lance said still smirking, walking towards me. I took in a gulp of air. He was too close for comfort and he looked really hot tonight with his wet hair and muscular arms and stomach showing under his football uniform. This boy needs to stop.

He lifted up my face so that it was looking up at his. He looked so serious yet he still made that look hot. "You are so beautiful katie." What was he doing? I have a boyfriend! He has a girlfriend! But somehow that all went out the window and didn't matter anymore. Which is why I think he did what he did next.

Lance kissed me. "Those lips look better on mine princess." Lance said and left me spellbound. Wow.

~authors note~

Ek! Fangirling here! Lance kissed her yay! So what do you all think? Lemme know comment and vote please :)


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