MBBF- chapter eight

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~chapter 8~

I woke up to unfamiliar sights and darkness. Where was i? Oh my gosh no! I had been kidnapped! I began to panic but then the memories of last night came flooding back. I was at lances house. I looked about the room and saw some posters of girls (ugh typical teenage boy) some posters of bands, a laptop, a dirty pile of laundry (ew!), and a big bean bag. I've always wanted to own one but after I burst Vivienne's one when we were kids and made a total mess of her room I wasn't allowed one and neither was she. It was weird I was almost eighteen but i was still grounded and treated like a kid.

I stretched my arms out but they hit something hard. I looked over to my side wondering what it was when I saw it was a shirtless lance! Oh my gosh what had actually happened last night? He wouldn't have? He wouldn't? No I was too young! Mum would kill me! I began to totally spaz out and woke up lance. "What..ugh.." He said groggily still waking up.

"You! What have you done to me! I better not get pregnant!" I yelled at him pointing my finger at him. He looked at me confused and to my shock I saw he was still wearing boxers and I was still fully clothed. What an idiot I was! He wouldn't ever do anything like that. He may be a jerk but even I knew that he would never take advantage of a girl in that way or any way. I looked down from his smirking face and my eyes landed on his chest. I'm sorry but yum. It was almost impossible for a guy to have this many muscles. He had the eight pack that all guys dream of having and all girls want their man to have. Their man. I wish he was mine. I sighed thinking about how unfair this was that I was still dating that jerk Alex.

"Woah someone got up on the wrong side of bed!" Lance chuckled and lept out of the bed offering me his hand to help me out. The badass was a gentleman and it was a major turn on. I reached out to grab his hand but at the last second he took it back and I fell backwards on to the bed looking like a total freak! Lance laughed and it was the hottest noise ever but I was too annoyed to think about how hot he was. I take that back the badass was not a gentleman. "You should have seen your face!" Lance continued to laugh while I was just sitting there it rather lying in a heap on his bed, not looking amused.

"Fine I can get up myself then!" I yelled and attempted to get off the bed. I didn't have anything wrong with me but I was a total spaz in the mornings not to mention that i also had super bad morning breath!

"Ok fine with me not like I was going to help you anyway!" The jerk shot back. I glared at him making him know how much I hated him right now. What was I even doing here? Oh yeah my jerk face looser of a boyfriend couldn't be assed to see his own girlfriend after she waited for hours well minutes after his football practice. I can't believe what he did as the first time he had ever been any thing but amazing and perfect to me. I don't know what was wrong with the world now!

"Fine be like that meanie!" I yelled still angry at lance for being a jerk even though he had sort of saved my life. Meh minor details! I was so stupid lying down in the middle of the road! Why didn't I just 'preserve warmth' on the pavement or grata which was just beside me? I guess I was too depressed and tired to even notice.

"Fine maybe I will! Don't forget if it wasnt for me you would still be stranded!" He said sitting down on his bean bag making me super jealous of him! What? I'm easily amused! I guess mr badass jerk face had a point but still there was no need for him to not help me up off the bed! I was still tired and recovering! I crossed my arms and went in a mood like a little kid because I knew he was right. "Don't go all moody on me because you know I'm right!" Lance smirked. He saw me slouch down even further and he knew I knew it was true.

"Hey is that the doorbell?" I asked as the doorbell rang. Lance spazed out and lept literally lept like a billion feet off his bean bag.

"S**t! I forgot Alex was coming over today! He'll be totally pissed and get the wrong idea if he sees you here! Hide! Do what you need to be safe! Hide everything!" Lance screamed acting as though we actually had done something or committed a crime. Well I guess by high school standards if Alex got the wrong idea and it got round people really would think it was a crime.

"Why? I mean I'm not stupid I know what this looks like but we haven't done anything and plus I need to talk to him." I tried to reason with lance. It was totally unless he sighed and shoved me into a cupboard in his room locking the door. Great. I was locked in some random boys cupboard and my 'boyfriend' was here and would most likely get the wrong idea. I wasn't even sure if Alex still liked me. To be honest I wasn't even sure I still liked him.

"Hey man! What's up?" I heard Alex voice say to lance. Then came the sound of footsteps and I guessed that they had just entered lances room. The sound of Alex voice made me both love and hate him but I had no idea why. I know I was over reacting but he had been with Vivienne and I wasn't sure if he was cheating or not! Why was life so confusing! I sighed and slumped down to the bottom of the cupboard and decided I may be here a while so I should make my self at home.

For a cupboard it was quite roomy. It was actually clean for a boy and smelt like pine comes and boys deodorant which I love the smell of both! Yum! What the hell am I even thinking about? I am so weird sometimes I think I may have something wrong with me!

"Yeah nothing you know just chilling. So I heard you left with Vivienne last night after practice?" Lance asked Alex. Good boy he was doing some snooping for me this was useful and where the truth would come out. To be honest I was nervous about what Alex would say. Maybe he was going to break up with me? "What was that all about then mate?"

"Ok don't tell Katie but..."Alex said then stopped to take a breath. What the hell? Come on man just say it. If your breaking up with me it's fine. Just do it gently. Please. "Vivienne and I went to buy Katie a birthday present for next week. We left Katie there so she would think I didn't care and then she would be totally surprised so what do you think?" What? Aww that was so sweet he really did care about me! He was just the best boyfriend in the world!

"That's really sweet man I think she'll love it! Careful not to hurt her too much though." Lance warned and laughed "so want to have a kick around then?" Typical boys after talking about something serous they want to play football? I looked about the cupboard for something to do figuring I would be here until lance remember to unlock the door. Ooh! A football at least I can throw this about and not go totally insane with boredom. Wait.. A football...oh crap.

"Sure ill get it!" Alex said and I heard movement as he walked across the room. " hey it's not on the floor where is it man? What's happened have you tided up for once?" Alex joked and laughed. I heard a false laugh which I assumed to be lances he must have figured it was in the cupboard too. What do I do? There's no where to hide its a freaking cupboard!

"No it's cool man ill get it!" Lance said and I heard movement as he walked over to my hiding place. I guess I'll just stay here and hope that Alex doesn't notice me. Good plan good plan.

"Lance your acting weird not hiding a girl in there are we?" Alex joked and laughed. Oh if only he knew!

"Haha no of course not dont be so stupid dude!" Lance said and laughed a false strained laugh. Alex must have heard how fake it was because he soon said

"You are aren't you? Cheeky boy!" And thrust open the cupboard doors. Oh s**t! "Katie? What is going on?" Alex yelled.

~authors note~

Hey everyone I have made a few changes to A+ boyfriend so please tell me if it is better or not if you can! Thank you for reading and voting it really does mean a lot

~sazza x

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