chapter iii

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a/n : i remember how crazy the narry tag on tumblr was when this video went up ;)


          "Hello, what can I get you?"

"You, for dessert?"

Niall's cheeks reddened once he registered what the customer had said. He looked like a college boy. His friends only rolled their eyes when he said that.

"Ignore him, can I get Set B?" One of his friends interrupted. Niall can't help but chuckle a bit as he nodded and wrote down his order.


Niall jumped at the surprisingly loud and mad voice. Well, someone's in a mood. He turned around and Harry was looking at him with a sort of glare that made Niall weirdly turned on.

Oh my god I'm turned on by Harry's anger. And he's my ex boyfriend.

Bravo, Niall. You're doing a great job forgetting about that boy.


Did I just squeak?

"Max said he's been calling you but you're too busy flirting with customers to notice that have you?" Harry said, sparing the black haired dude a glance that had trouble written all over it.

I wasn't flirting! Niall's cheeks reddened and he opened his mouth to speak but Harry just cut him off.

"Just go help Max, I got it here. You'll probably mess their orders up with their numbers or something" Harry said lastly before turning towards the three gaping boys.

Niall was shocked as well as he walked towards Max who was behind the counter. He was a little dazed as he looked up at Harry's twin brother.

"What do you need help with, Max?"

"Huh? Nothing?" Max laughed as he gave back a customer their change.

Niall rolled his eyes. Fucking Harry. So what if the guy was flirting with him?

Stupid jealous asshole.

Bet he wants that cute guy for himself.

Stupid jealous asshole who I still love which is making me jealous for god's sake!

"Ni, are you okay?" Max asked when he saw Niall staring into space while the paper and pen in his grip started tightening.

"I need a break" he sighed, moving to the back before Max could question him further.

Max watched as Niall's back retreated and he almost jumped when Louis appeared in his line of vision suddenly to replace the blonde.

"Louis! What the hell, you almost gave me heart attack"

Louis waved him off with a grin.

"Yeah, yeah! I have the next plan"

Max snickered. "You're gonna pay the boys to ask Niall out and make Harry's jealous freak side come out?"

Louis looked at Max with a confused look.

"I was going to ask only one of them but OKAY!" He grinned, laughing before turning on the video camera.
A real video camera that he stole from Lottie. It was collecting dust on her shelf anyways.

"Hello viewers! So, by the time this goes up I probably already put up the first one! The first plan was a success - MAX, STOP TRYING TO GET INTO THE CAMERA!"

Louis turned around and glared at Max who was trying to get into the shot. He frowned and backed off.

Louis rolled his eyes and continued to talk to the camera.

Lost Boys // Narry AUWhere stories live. Discover now