chapter xii

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a/n : I think harry has an unhealthy obsession with niall's bum.


It was wonderful, the feeling of waking up to Harry again. The familiar feel of his long arms wrapped around Niall's body, the warmth that Harry resonated to basically the whole bed. The warm and hard chest that acted as a pillow to Niall, the sweet smell of Harry when he buried his nose in the crook of Harry's neck.

He sighed, not realising the sound that left his lips. Harry's eyes peeked open, green eyes looking down at the head tucked under his chin and smiling when he remembered what had happened last night.

Right after they basically made out in the piano room, Niall had to forcefully pull away - lips swollen, pulse thudding, eyes glazed over and blown to say they should take it to his dorm.

They never got to the dorm, only managing Harry's car when Harry started kissing the back of Niall's neck leaving marks and claims until Niall said fuck it and pulled Harry into the backseat.

It was dawn, the twilight sky being their only light as Harry made Niall come undone at the backseat of his car. The familiar sound of Niall's choked Harry as Harry had pushed himself inside of Niall, looking down at Niall who had his head thrown back and mouth slightly open.

The moan that tumbled out of Niall's lips when Harry still remembered Niall's sensitive spots. And then they finally made it back to Niall's dorm, ordered take out and was watching a movie that Harry picked until Niall's hand started creeping onto Harry's thigh- and further up.

"Mmm, what are you thinking about?" Niall mumbled, fingers grazing over Harry's light stubble. He placed a soft kiss on Harry's jaw, lips lingering before he pulled back to smile lazily at him.

It was endearing. Harry felt himself falling all over again, felt his body being transported back to Summer of 2013 when he first met this amazing, wonderful human being called Niall Horan.

"You" Harry mumbled, eyes slipping close again at the comfort of being here with Niall.

Niall chuckled, feeling a little more energetic as he placed kisses all over Harry's face, starting from his jaw to his cheeks, lips lingering and warm breath ghosting over skin. To his cute nose, biting it playfully that made Harry's eyes open to look at Niall challengingly. Niall's lips quirked into a smirk and Harry pulled him closer if that was possible so the blond was on top of him as he slotted his lips with Niall's. Their eyes slipped close, Niall's hands went up to Harry's long hair, fingers tangling in the messy curls as Harry's tongue invaded his mouth. The warm and wetness of Niall's mouth making Harry moan.

Harry's hands had already reached down to Niall's cute bum, squeezing it like he used to do all the time when there was a knocking on the door.

Oh no, not just one knock.

About 15 as they were continuous, accompanied with Nate's "WAKE UP YOU SHITHEAD!" And Louis' "I SWEAR IF YOU'RE NOT AWAKE, WE'RE LEAVING WITHOUT YOU"

Niall groaned, putting his head on Harry's chest as Harry chuckled, placing kissed on top of Niall's head.

"I put a sock on the fucking doorknob, what do they not get?" Niall grumbled.

"Plans?" Harry asked.

"Mhmm.. The band that opened for Liam, they're having a meet and greet" Niall explained as the knocking continued and Harry's hold tightened around him. He didn't want to leave Harry.. Not yet.

"Can I come?" Harry asked.

It made Niall's snap his head up so fast, his neck hurt but he was grinning.

"Would you want to?" He confirmed.

"Of course, I'm not ready to leave you yet" Harry said the words Niall was practically thinking, making Niall give him another kiss.

"Thank god Eli, we thought he was dead- HARRY!"

The both of them looked up to see Nate, Louis and Eli looking at them with mouths hanging open.

"HOLY SHIT" Nate exclaimed, looking at his twin brother for some kind of explanation.

"And here I thought the sock on the door was just you playing with me, I'm telling Grace" Eli said, shaking his head with a smirk on his lips.

Louis blinked, trying to register the sight in front of him.

"Well... This isn't awkward" Niall mumbled, hiding his face in Harry's neck. Even Harry was blushing from embarrassment.

"Right.. We'll leave you to it.. Umm Ni?" Nate coughed, turning away.

"I'll get ready" Niall said.

They all mumbled incoherent stuff and then went out with the door slamming behind them.

"Well that's a good enough explanation, I thought I had to be all "guys, me and Harry are back together" Niall snorted, rolling off Harry.

Harry looked at Niall as the blonde took Harry's shirt and put it on himself.

"Are we?" Harry asked.

Niall paused, turning to look at Harry. His fingers nervously playing with each other.

"If- if ... You want to be?" Niall stumbled over his words, looking anywhere but at Harry.

Harry opened his mouth to say something but Louis' shouting cut him off, making Niall roll his eyes as he made his way towards the bathroom.


       Nate and Louis shot the both of them looks as they crammed inside Louis' car to go to the meet and greet. Niall was at the backseat, playing with his phone while Harry's hands rested on his thigh.

One of Liam's latest hits playing at the radio. Nate and Louis kept exchanging bewildered looks and then giving the both of them the same look.

"Oh my god, can you guys stop that?" Niall snapped, looking up from his phone.

"We would if you could explain!" Nate exclaimed.

"Nothing much to explain... You guys actually saw-"

"Yeah yeah lover boy, we saw you guys on the bed! No duh, you had sex but how..." Louis cut Harry off with a glance through the rearview mirror.

Harry and Niall exchanged looks and Harry shrugged as if to say "You tell them"

Niall raised his eyebrows.

Harry rolled his eyes.

Niall widened his eyes at Harry.

Harry winked.

Niall rolled his eyes.

"OH MY GOD, SPEAK!" Nate shouted, turning back to look at them.

"Okay okay! I wanted to meet Harry to.. Settle things okay? I was.. Hung up over him-" Louis and Nate snorted, making Niall glare at them and Harry chuckled.

"As I was saying.. I thought maybe seeing him would be good closure. A stepping stone to moving on"

"You were wrong" Harry pointed out with a grin.

Niall rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his lips.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock. First time I saw you again I fell arse over tits all over again, thank you for that"

"No problem, it's the soul reason I live on this earth anyway, to make you fall for me again and again again every single day" Harry said smoothly, green eyes locked onto blue. Niall's breath caught in his throat, not knowing what to say to that.

So Harry leaned in to place a kiss on Niall's mouth. A soft reassurance that he's not going anywhere.

Louis and Nate exchanged looks, smiling discreetly.

Well, as long as they're happy.

a/n : there! A happy chapter for you all. So, maybe there's a few chapters left? And then bye bye wild boys series *cries with snot and stuff*

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