chapter vii

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Niall was asleep.

The minute Harry got into the shower and he slumped onto the soft bedding, he was engulfed in sleep and comfort. He barely registered Harry slipping in beside him minutes after.

But he did realise how warm Harry was and found himself drawn towards it. Harry's familiar scent filled his nostrils and it made his mind hazy. He was already half asleep so this was a great excuse to give Harry the next morning if he ever questioned it.

The blonde was already snuggling up to Harry, a hand on his ex boyfriend's chest and head fitted into his neck.

Harry took what he could get, wrapping an arm around Niall and burying his face in the blonde's hair.

He remembered when Niall first left his SnapBack and he accidentally sniffed it. This just took Harry back to when that happened.

Niall sighed contentedly when Harry kissed his head softly before drifting off, wanting to keep the memory of it forever.


Niall woke up to guitar strumming and voices singing Particularly Harry's.

"Some people run.. right into the fire"

"And some people hide, their every desire"

And that was Tom's.

And then they were laughing.

Niall peeked his eye open to see Harry and Tom on the couch opposite of the bed. Tom was strumming the guitar while Harry sang one of Niall's favourites.

Harry knew it was Niall's favourite.

"Some people fight, some people fall"
Tom started singing again.

"Others pretend, they don't care at all"
Harry continued.

Niall's eyes were open as he stared at the ceiling. They couldn't see him, too busy singing and enjoying the song no doubt.

Niall didn't mind, he loved this song. Especially accompanied with Harry's voice. It gave him chills. The good kind no doubt.

"If you wanna fight, I'll stand right beside you"

Niall wanted to scoff at that.

"The day that you'll fall, I'll be right behind you "

Niall wanted to cry.

"to pick up the pieces, If you don't believe me.."

"Just look into my eyes.."

Niall bolted up from his bed quickly before he could soak Harry's pillow with his tears, he changed his mind. He didn't want to hear Harry singing that anymore.

"Niall, morning mate" it took Niall a while to register what Tom had said before he smiled at him.

"Good morning" He said before jumping off the bed.

"You can use my bathroom if you want" Harry said, looking directly at Niall.

That one lyric at the tip of his tongue as blue met green back.

"No it's okay, I'll just... Go to my room" Niall shook his head and turned away as if that could make him ignore the tugging at his heart strings.

Lost Boys // Narry AUWhere stories live. Discover now