Melissa Evans

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Melissa Evans is the heir of the Evans Enterprises. Evans just owns major businesses all over the world: they have the Evans Airlines, Evans Hotel, and Evans Restaurant, Evans Phone Manufacturing Industry, Evans Clothing line and Evans Bank. They like to call it Snave but Evans is much better.

Melissa Evans happens to be the girlfriend of my best friend. Melly is a very pretty girl and kind-hearted rich and not the cliché type like a rich brat kind of girl. Melly and Isaac had been dating for two years since the summer of sophomore year. Melly is not the cliché type wherein she is jealous of Isaac and I's friendship. She just gets it.

We are seniors today, graduating like next month and here we are or were still drinking and partying like college is so far from our sight.

Isaac just ran off and I just kept texting him not to worry and drive safely and that it's not a big deal perhaps.

I waited for Isaac's text.

I hope Melly is okay.

I hope Isaac is okay.

I dropped my phone once I have read Isaac's text:

"I am going to be a father. Melly is pregnant. I'm doomed."

I was in shock.

I am in shock.

I'll be in shock.

I called him as soon as I re-read the text but he wasn't answering so I assumed he is still comforting Melly.

Instead of trying to call him, I texted him.

"Isy, just comfort her okay? Just be with her and be sure you're okay too."

I can't believe my best friend is going to be a father.

After a few hours, someone knocked on my door and I opened it immediately, revealing my best friend on the doorstep. I quickly let him in as he hugged me.

"What am I going to do, Iris?" He cried, asking me such question and I just kept mum, just basically hugging him. "Melly's dad going to kill me, my dad is going to kill me and my career is going to kill itself"

"Hush!" I said to him as I pulled his hand, leading him towards my bed as I lay him down and I laying down after beside him and I just hugged him just like what he does when I'm feeling sad. I just held him for hours till he stopped crying.

It was a cliché type for guys not to cry and crumble publicly but Isaac is not living by the cliché type.

"Isaac, everything will be alright" I said those words to him as he fell asleep.


I got up before Isaac and prepared him a breakfast in bed so that he would feel a little better. I may not be the best cook but he always enjoys the food I cook.

"Good Morning, Isaac" I greeted him when he woke up. "So just eat your breakfast and if you feel like going to school, you have your clothes and towel here"

"Can you skip school for me, Iris?" He asked me and even I want to, my dad will kill me if ever I agreed on it.

"I'll talk to Melly for you. I'll talk to your dad if you want to or I can come with you, Isaac." I changed the topic because I know he wouldn't stop convincing me to skip class with him.

"Melly texted me last night when you were snoring like a pig" he announced, feeling teased but Isaac has always been like that. "His father wants to meet and talk with me today"


I was currently waiting for Isaac's update while trying to stay focus in class but I can't help checking my phone every five minutes.

"Iris! Skip class for me, please. I have to tell you something important"

Isaac's text.

I was now really debating on staying and skipping but I would choose my best friend over school so I hurriedly go to Isaac's house.

I quickly ran inside his house because dad might see me so I opened his door to his room without knocking.

"Knocking still exists, Iris" he still said something sarcastic despite his current situation.

"Skipping in class was non-existent until you" I retorted back but it was not the reason I went here and risked my life. "So what did Mr. Evans said?"

"He was not furious or sad. He is even proud that his daughter is having a child and a husband" he slowly said every word as I sighed as a relief but then, his words processed in my mind.

Wait, what? Husband?

"Husband?" I hysterically asked Isaac for the nth time. "Mr. Evans wants you to marry his daughter?"

"Yes for the billionth time, Iris" he answered like it's so normal for wedding to happen when you're in high school. "After we graduated, we will get married"

I laughed at his announcement because it's like a joke, a very good joke.

"I'm serious, Iris. I meant it plus I love Melly so better marry her now than never" he stopped me from laughing, saying every word while looking in my eyes and I know that right there that he is not kidding.

I love Melly, he says. My best friend was in love and definitely fell in love already and I'm just proud like so proud at him.

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