One Girl, One Angel Part 1

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I burst through the school doors again, crying and alone. I knew i had a few more people to go through and thag I didn't have to run, but i just kept running to the big feild, there were a cluster of trees i loved to climb, it was like a forest. When my sister died i came here all the time, i couldn't take my family freaking out and ranting on me, so i lived here for a while, they were too busy with themselves to even realize i was gone! The only ones who knew were my boyfriend, Adam and my best friend who was like my sister, Gemma. i finally got to the forest at the end of the feild and i kept running like i was being followed. No one could know about this, i didn't want anyone comming here and destroying my forest and I had to protect it.

About an hour later Adam showed up, he and Gemma were always super careful when they came here, they knew how much i cared about this forest. "Hey" Adam called up to me, instinctively i moved over and he took that as a hint to come up. "Hey" i said darkly, "So, wanna tell me whats wrong?" he asked cautiously, trying not to set me off. "They know" i said quietly. "Who knows what?" he asked, sounding more concerned this time. "Everone knows i cut myself" i curled up the branch and started to cry again. Adam put him arm around me and pulled me close to him. For ages we sat there, in the glow of the sunset, him trying to cheer me up, me bawling. I don't exactly know when it happened but i fell asleep. When i woke up i looked over and saw Adam awake and watching over me. "How long have you been up?" i asked groggily. "I never slept" he replied. "Adam, you have to sleep" i said softly hoping to persuade him to sleep. "No, i want to make sure you're ok" i smiled at his comment and to that he hugged me and i cuddled up against him, soon after I fell asleep again.

When i woke up, i grabbed my phone from my pocket and checked the time, I yawned and saw that it was 11:47am. I looked over, i was still, Adam woke up. "Sorry, i didn't mean to wake you" i said apoligeticly. "No,i woke up on my own, what time is it?" "11:47"

I stayed in the trees to brace myself to face my parents. I swung down a few minutes later feeling strong. It was weird because i was weak, i have always been weak. But i welcomed the feeling with open arms for reasons unknown to me.

I got home and surprise surprise, I was yelled at. I was told how "fat, worthless, ugly, freakish and disgaceful" i was... I made a pact that night that i would run away again, this time i wouldn't look back to this house. I would just look back at my beloved forest. After the yelling lecture on my faults i stayed stone faced and went up to my room. I layed face down on Ariana's bed and cried. Then i saw her, sitting on my bed when i looked up. I ran to her and we hugged for a while. "Valarie" she said with the voice i missed. "Arie" i gasped, i was winded when she said my name. "Arie you look great!... considering you were murdered" my voice caught and i started to cry again she put her hand on my arm and said "Valarie, I can't believe how strong you have been, for that i have persuaded god to reward you." she told me angelicly "How?" i asked confused and curiously. "In time you will see, I have to go Val, stay strong, be great, I believe in you" "dont go Arie, no!" but by the time i had said no, she was gone.

I packed quickly and i noticed a note on my bed. I picked it up carefully and noticed it was wrapped with a white lace ribbon. i carefully untied the piece of ribbon and placed it on my bed, the paper felt like it was made of only velvet. i slowly unfolded it and saw Ariana's writing.

Hi Valarie,

Your reward, you have certin powers. Not like a witch, you have limited angelic powers. Curtasy of me and god. I hope you have good use for them and i wish you the best. Valarie, i believe in you.

Love Ariana

One Girl, One Angel Part 1Where stories live. Discover now