One Girl, One Angel Part 2

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Arie did that for me?! i though to myself. "I love you Arie, you are my sister and i miss you greatly but this, this is more than i can thank you for, i can never repay you for this but i will try, i promise." I whispered to the air. hoping my sister could hear me, and praying my parents couldn't. I started to pack again then suddenly stopped... i have alot of stuff I'm gonna bring, i thought to myself, i wonder if.... And before i knew it my stuff had shrunk and it was putting itself in a small pouch i found. "Arie, i hope you don't mind that im borrowing your pouch." I turned around and once more i saw a note, tied with lacy ribbon, i was too eager to see what it said this time so I untied it and tossed the ribbon on to my bed.


Take what ever you need, or want. You are going to need it way more than me.

Love Arie

I looked up and mouthed "Thank you" hoping Arie could see it. I quickly packed her things too, she was right, i'd need them more than her, and mom and dad wouldn't care.

As i looked around to see if i had missed anything, something came to mind. I ran to the closet me and Arie used to share, witch was now empty except for a small safe. Me and Arie bought it to keep our favorite things in so people couldn't take them. I quickly remembered the code and opened the safe, i didn't know exactly what i was taking but i knew everything in the safe was important i shrunk the stuff and packed it. Then i finally came across the last few things i knew i had to take. 1. My ipod 2. Arie's ipod 3. My cell phone 4. Arie's cell phone. I knew that everything i could take would be useful. After i was sure i had gotten everything that i either needed, wanted, or could just take i started planning my way out. By now it was almost dinner time, so i couldn't just walk out of the house. I looked up and notice the window mesh had a hole in it, I knew what I was gonna do weather I liked it or not, I sighed and mumbled “i'm crazy” under my breath. I started grabbing sheets and twisting them like rope.

After i was finsihed twisting the sheets and i had gotten them to stay twisted i tied them together and found a hook in the wall, i got the rope to stay in the hook and i threw it out of the window. Before i left i sat on Arie's bed and said "Hey Arie, thanks, i really needed your help and i miss you, i think of you every day and i finally got to see you again, i just wanted to tell you how much i miss you and how thankful i am. Well Arie, you can always come with me, and if you need anything then just ask me, i'll try everything i can do to help. I love you sis, see you later, hopefuly." I made sure to make my message short, sweet and quiet, last thing i needed right now was to get caught. I grabbed the pocket sized pouch with all of my belongings, made sure it was properly closed. I slowely backed towards the window until i felt the window sil brush past my fingers. It was time.

I turned around and grabbed the twisted, tied together sheets, i put the pouch in my pocket, tossed the sheets out of my window and climbed out on to my roof. When there was no more roof to walk on, i took a deep, shakey breath, grabbed the rope and slowly slid down it. Half way down the rope started coming lose, i panicked  a bit but tried to calm myself, i was inches away from the ground when i fell. I noticed movenment from behind the curtins at the side of the house, i knew if i didn't act quick i would get caught. I started franticly pulling at my rope until it slid off of the hook in my room and came tumbling towards me, i quickly shrunk it down to string size and shoved it in my pockets, i heard the front door open and i jumped in to a bush. Of corse i had to pick the only one with thorns. I felt sharps pains all over my body and clamped my hand over my mouth to keep myself from screaming, after a while of my parents walking around the yard, me stuck in the thorny bush and thorns one by one, slwly sinking in to my skin, i felt tears tumble down my cheeks, the pain was horrible. I wated in that bush for 10 more minutes until my parents were sure no one was trying to break in, i waited a few more minutes just in case they came out again. I managed not to scream but when i was sure they were not going to come outside again i launched myself out of the bush, thorns ripping at my skin. I made sure i had my pouch and my bed sheet rope and i ran. I ran to Adams house, I heard sounds comming from his tree house "Adam" i hissed. Nothing, "Adam!" i said louder. "Val" he called down to me. He quickly crawled out of the tree house and down to me. When he tried to hug me i took a step back, "please don't, I spent about 15 minutes sitting in the thorn bush at the side of my house. And i don't want to get blood on you. Before you ask what i was doing, I'm running away, i want a happy life, i dont want to be stuck with my shitty life forever. I climbed out of my window and i fell, not very far off of the ground but far enough that my parnets thought someone was trying to rob the house. I didn't want to get caught so i jumped in to a bush, and yes i ended up in the thorn bush." I managed to get all that in before Adam said anything.

After a few minutes of Adam looking at my thorn wounds, he told me to stay where i was. He went inside and came back out a few minutes later with a first aid kit. "Take it, i wont take no for an answer." he held it out for me and i took it. I shrunk it down and said "I'll use it later... Oh yea and now i'm magical, confusing? yes. But I saw Ariana and she told me that from a gift from her and god she was giving me magical powers, all that i've done so far is shrink stuff down so i can put it in my pouch, and pack things instantly." Adam didn't say anything else, he just walked back and clubed the tree to his tree house. I took that as my cue to leave. I slowly walked away, i heard foot steps behind me, freaked out, but managed ot stay calm on the outside. When i was sure who ever was running was behind me i quickly back flipped behind them. I landed perfectly and my jaw dropped, since when can i do that?! i asked myself. I looked ahead of me and there was Adam with his stuff in a backpack. "I don't know how I did that..." i said sounding dazed. "I'm coming with you" Adam said, more telling me than anything else. I didn't argue i just started walking next to Adam in silence.

One Girl, One Angel Part 1Where stories live. Discover now