One Girl, One Angel Part 5

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When me and Dhavie got outside i knew which way to go to get to the forest. I walked around to the side of the house and when i got to the edge of the forest i started jogging around. "Hey! Wait for me!" Dhavie laughed. I felt imbarassed and stopped runing. "Sorry, its just that this forest reminds me a lot of the one i used to go to all the time. Once i lived in it for like a week when my sister died. My parents were way to harsh.. so i just moved for a bit." "I guess you miss it?" "Yea" i mumbled. "Then go crazy girl!" Dhavie tried to mock the sound of my voice but it came out warped and funny. I couldn't help it, i started laughing. "What u laughing at gurl" Dhavie mocked again before he burst out laughing. "you!" i managed to say. Dhavie came closer to me, "You know, you look kind of cute when u cant stop laughing" Dhavie said before he started laughing agian. "What?" i asked totally confused. "your blushing" my hands flew up to my cheeks. "Sorry, i can't take compliments..." My voice tralied off but Dhavie read my like a book and caught the small hint of sadness in my voice. "If you wanna talk... I'll be here" he said. "And in there" he pointed to the house, "And there" he pointed to a tree that was slightly burried inbetween a few others. "You climb?" I asked. "I don't just climb, im the best!" "no, I am" i said shutting up a small giggle. "Well i guess we'll just have to race up it" he said. "Get ready to lose" i said with a devilish smile on my face. "GO!" he yelled. I ran to the tree and found a branch to grab, i jumped for it and caught it on my first try. Dhavie on the other side of the tree had it easier, but he was only where i was, trying to pull himself up from the first branch. I was surprised after a minute when i looked up and noticed the noise was him climbing on the side of the tree above me. I decided i should jump for the next branch and skip the closer one. I  jumped and lost my footing, i exhailed violently when i relized my jump may have been slightly too short, just as i feared my fingers grazed the brach. I felt a smaller branch pass my foot, quickly i pushed off of it and grabbed the branch next to the one Dhavie was clinging to. I looked over and his jaw dropped. I leaned close to him, meeting his gaze. "Told you" i said and reached for the next branch. He tried what i did, but he ended up falling for a moment. I saw him and grabbed his hand, i forced him to give me his other hand and helped him on to the branch i was on. Before anyone said anything we  both started climbing, i moved to the other side of the tree.

After another minute Dhavie made it to the top, his jaw dropped again when he saw me. I was about to say something when the mangled girl from he forrest earlier appeared on my branch. "So your back?" i asked the girl, hoping to get a reaction. She started singing

"When the girl was younger

She was unhappy

She was alone

She was unwanted

Much like you

She hated her life

She climbed a tree

Oh so carefuly

The branch broke when she got to the top

She fell to the ground

And her life ended

Much like yours"

The last line bothered me. "Don't move, dont say anything, when i say now, no matter what, climb down" i hissed to Dhavie a branch below me, not breaking eye contact with the ghost. I sang back

'When i was back home

I was unhappy

I was made fun of

I ran away

I was hurt

I was broken

I am broken

I'm not like glass

I can take a fall

If this branch should break

So i shall prove it"

I had an idea. I started jumping up and down on the branch, after a moment i heard a snap, one more time! I thought urgently to myself. "NOW!" i yelled and i made the last jump, i don't know how but i grabbed the ghost as i fell, she shoved me trying to launch herself closer to the tree. The ground tumbling upward as we fell quickly. She screamed so loud i didn't flinch but i saw Dhavie as i flew past him scrambling down the tree. He looked at me, he was paniced and scared and i saw anger inside of him. "WHY COULDN'T YOU LEAVE HER ALONE GHOST!!!" he growled. I looked at him and violently shook my head, he kept trying to beat me to the ground. When the ground was close, i made sure the ghost was falling ahead of me. I waited for the next scream as she fell through the ground.The scream was once again horrid. The girl fell through solid groud, and I hated the sound of the crunch, when she hit the ground, so much! As I was ready to land, I flipped upside down in mid air and landed in a handstand. To with stand the force if the fall, when I landed I bent my arms and summer saulted down to sitting. I heard a thud behind me, freaked out, flipped backward and landed in a standing position. Dhavie looked at me, he let his jaw hang. I had explaining to do. "Ok I know your going to ask so I'll expalin before you ask. Well the fall, I said I could take a fall and I meant it. A while ago I saw my sisters ghost and she said I'd be rewarded for being strong with out her. So that what you saw, the hand stand, the summer sault thing, the flip, all due to my powers. They work with me. The ghost, she's the one I saw when I met your dad."

"what happened to that girl?" Dhavie asked totally awe struck. "by my guess, she fell off of the top of that tree or another, and she hates me." I held my breath when i saw the weird look on his face, please don't let him hate me, please don't let him hate me! i though urgently to myself.

One Girl, One Angel Part 1Where stories live. Discover now