One Girl One Angel Part 4

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I woke up the next morning feeling stiff and alone. Truth is i was alone... Gemma! i thought to myself. I scrambled up so i could get my phone out of my pocket, as i was waiting for it to turn on, i packed up all of the stuff i had left out and started walking deeper and deeper in to the forest I was in. When my phone was on i exitedly went to my text inbox and saw no new texts. No biggie, i thought. It was late when i texted Gemma and she is probobly still sleeping. Trying not to show any sign of hurt i turned my phone off again to save battery, put it in my pocket and walked out to the other side of the clearing. "More forest" i sighed. I kept walking until i was sure there was something near me, in a way, i felt it. I turned around expecting Arie but saw someone else. She was my age, she was all dirty and bloody. She was also TOTALLY mangled. I took a step closer and looked at the face harder, her face was familier. She looked like.... "No" i said out loud she was going to kill me, i thought. At that moment i felt so small, so helpless. But i walked right up to her, leaned close and whispered "You don't scare me" agressively in her ear. I was hoping she still had some human sense. Anyone would have backed off. She grabbed my wrist, i twisted it away, turned around and ran. I didn't know what to do or where to go, i  just knew that i had to go.

I remember Stephanie, a bunch of girls had it out for her, I didn't stop them and now... I cringed, that was my fault I thought.

I ran out of the forest all together, i ran in to a man. He looked down at me. "Well hello there" he said in a friendly tone, he had a short brown beard and short brown hair to match. "Hi" i said totally shaken from the girl. "Whats wrong? Are you ok?" i saw the man friendliness melt away to show concern. "Yea, just... i just thought i saw something in the forest." "Well why don't i take a look." "NO!" i yelled "It'll be ok, i'll help." "No, she will get you." The man took one step forward before the girl showed up. I stood infront of the man, tyring to help him. I looked back at him desperately and whispered "Run" he nodded, grabbed my arm and dragged me to his car "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" i screamed at him when he tried to get me in to the passagers side. "Helping, we have to go, i've never seen anything like her... it... her. Hell i don't even know what to call it or her..." his voice trailed off.

When i finally gave in to his attempts and  got in his car, he ran to his side told me to put on my seatbelt and hang on. He sped away leaving the mangled ghost girl in his dust. "Ghost" i said. "What?" he asked confused. "Thats what you call her, a ghost, a female ghost." "Oh." the man paused for a moment. "How did you know that?" "I have reasons to believe that she was a ghost, mostly becuase did you notice how mangled she was? The cuts looked fresh. What was missing from that picture? Skin? no, she had skin and Blood. She would have been bleeding a lot if she was really human." "You have a point" the man said stunned. "Valarie, my name is Valarie." "I'm  Jayy." "Nice to meet you Jayy, cool name." Jayy laughted. "its spelled with 2 y's and you too Valarie. SO where are you off to?" I gave him a one word answer. "Away" "Away where? i could drive you... if i knew where to drive you."  "Honestly i don't know. Away just away from home." "i know what you mean" Jayy's answer surprised me. "I ran away from home as well." He added quickly. "Oh... Was it hard? you know, to get started again?" "No, i found people to stay with and my life has been better since." he laughted a little. "That sounds nice..." i said looking out of the car window, my voice trailing off "You could stay with me, my wife and my son for a while... You know, if you want to? My son's 16." "So am i, I turned 16 a few days ago..." "Oh what day?" "On May 3. 10 days ago." "Well happy birthday." Jayy said kindly, the expression he was wearing when i first met him was back, and i admit, i liked having someone to talk to like this. "Are you serious about me living with u?" I said feeling just as small as i did when i saw the girl in the forest. "100%" he said with a smile. "If it's not too much trouble, then maybe i could stay for a bit." "Ok, well i'll be glad to have you, Cherry will be thrilled and Dahvie... Well, we'll see." "Cherry? Dhavie?" i asked confused. "Oh sorry, Cherry is my wife and Dhavie is my son." "Oh."

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