Chapter Two

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I was so going to kill Charles.

We were swimming on the beach when suddenly, he pointed at a random plastic bag that was floating around and muttered how dirty the water was. So me, being the gullible person I was, held the so called plastic to put it out of the water when suddenly, I felt it sting me.

Guess what? He tricked me into holding a freaking jelly fish.

In shock, I accidentally threw the jellyfish on his face while he was laughing his ass off. So now, my fingers and his cheek were itchy.

We went over to Layla, who instantly placed vinegar on my fingers and on Charles's cheek. I was surprised when Hazel quickly handed us vinegar from her bag. I mean, who has a bottle of vinegar in their bag?

Apparently, my weird sister does.

I guess weirdness runs in the family blood.

"I smell like vinegar now." Charles muttered as we both sat on a beach chair.

"It's all your fault." I grumbled, whacking his head. He glared at me as he rubbed the spot where I hit him.

I rolled my eyes. I didn't even hit him that hard.

"You're just stupid, how did you not know that that was a jellyfish?" Mason snorted from behind. Charles and I whipped our heads around to see Mason still where he was earlier.

"Why don't you mind your own business?" I retorted drily.

He let out a sardonic laugh. "That's rich coming from you."

"Shut up, I wasn't even talking to you."

He rolled his eyes at me, turning his attention away from us.

I turned my attention back to my blonde best friend, who was looking very much amused. "What?"

"I thought you were supposed to make him smile, not make him hate you."

"He already hated me the moment he saw me," I remarked, shrugging. I'll just think of other ways to make him smile.


I glanced around the place to see my sister staring at Charles longingly. I caught her eye, silently telling her that I would stop being a cock blocker and go away so that she could talk to him.

"Oh yeah!" I exclaimed out of nowhere, making Charles jump up in surprise. "I completely forgot that Christine and Levi asked me to text them when I arrived. Talk to you later!"

Charles made a face at the mention of my boyfriend's name but nodded. I went over to my mom and Layla, who were laughing at something they were talking about. Layla's husband wasn't able to come because apparently, he had a lot of work to do.

I passed by Hazel, who was walking over to Charles, and gave her a wink.

"Shut up," she murmured, blushing.

"I wasn't even saying anything," I jested, ruffling her hair. She shot me an annoyed glance before walking over to Charles.

I watched her as she walked rather nervously towards him then finally sat down beside him. Charles, being the oblivious boy he was, laughed at Hazel's stuttering, telling her how cute she was when she stutters which made her blush even more.

Boy, you're only making her fall harder.

I shook my head at her with a smile. I looked away and continued walking over to mom.

"Hey mom, is my phone with you?" I asked when I reached her and Layla.

"Oh yeah, it's here," she said before rummaging through her bag to search for my phone.

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