Chapter Twenty Four

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I couldn't stop smiling.

I have been so giddy and smiley lately, it's not even funny. All of that giddiness because of one stupid kiss.

I didn't even act like that when Levi and I kissed the first time. I only felt sparks and tingles but with Mason, it was different.

When our lips touched, I felt the whole zoo in my stomach. Elephants were stomping around, ostriches were flapping their wings, monkeys were swinging around, and insects were flying everywhere. That was what I felt. My heart was beating so fast that I thought it would shot out of my chest but luckily, it didn't.

Our kiss only lasted a few seconds, but that was enough to keep me smiling and giddy.

We stayed silent after our kiss. It wasn't the awkward silence though, it was actually quite comfortable. Both of us just sat there with smiles on our faces, Mason dropping me off the library since I needed to work.

Even Ralph, my co-worker, could tell that something was up since I was in a super good mood yesterday.

I placed my books in my locker, a smile still playing on my lips as Miley and Christine stared at me weirdly.

"What's wrong with you?" Miley inquired, narrowing her eyes on my face.

"Nothing's wrong," I sighed happily. My two best friends continued to stare at me suspiciously. "Everything is perfectly fine."

"You're acting like a lovesick puppy, it's weird." Christine stated, squeezing my cheeks. I didn't even bother taking her hands off my face.

"Okay, something is definitely wrong." Miley nodded when I simply kept smiling.

I stopped smiling when I felt a sting on both sides of my face. I scowled at Christine and Miley, who both slapped me and were grinning at me sheepishly.

"You wouldn't snap out of it," Christine shrugged as I continued to shoot them glares.

There was something really wrong in their brains.

"So, what's up? Did you just get laid or something? Tell us!"

"Why are you smiling like a maniac? You're not planning to kill us, right?"

I rolled my eyes at my friends. They really needed to get checked up or something.

"No, I did not get laid, I'm still a virgin and that's what I'm gonna be until I get married." I told Miley seriously. "And yes, Christine. I have my gun in my bag right now to shoot you guys."

She simply rolled her eyes at me and smacked my head. "Seriously though, spill, sistah!" She commanded, shaking my shoulders with her arms.

"You're going to shake her to death then she can't tell us why she looks like she's been on drugs." Miley said, stopping Christine from shaking me before facing me. "You're not on drugs, right?"

"Oh, I am!" I said sarcastically. "I'm stupid enough to go to school while I'm high and I even have some in my bag. Want some?"

It was now Miley's turn to hit my head. They should stop hitting my head, I'll only get dumber.

If I fail my physics test later, it's their fault, not mine.

After joking around with them, I finally told them that we kissed. They started jumping around like idiots as they squealed like dying whale. I face-palmed myself, why are these idiot my friends?

"What was it like? What was it like?" Christine urged, her face red with excitement. I looked at Miley to see that she was waiting for me to answer too.

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