Part 3

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Back At Niall and I's house

I opened the front door to the cutest boy in the world. He was sitting on the steps that faced the door asleep with his arms crossed on his knees and his head rested on them. I took a moment to admire him. God he was perfect.

I went into the kitchen and rummaged through the cabinet for a drinking glass on my tippy toes. This was a challenge considering I was only 5'4 and normally Ni would come to the rescue and and get it for me. But not wanted to disturb the sleeping boy I thought I'd give it a try.

Letting a few grunts slip because of the stiffness of what event I had just partaked in.

A whispered Irish accent was in my ear with a hand on each side of my waist with his chest against my back "Love? What are you doing?" He laughed.

"Ohh you know just trying to do the impossible"sarcastically joking.

He removed one of his hands from my waist and without effort reached to shelf and got me the glass. He handed it to me. I smiled and thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. His cheeks were all flushed pink from just waking from his nap.

He sat on the stool at the table picking a grape off the vine in a bowl,while I searched in the fridge for water.

"So how was Jacie's?" He casually asked before popping the grape into his mouth.

Remembering that going over to her house was my excuse,I spun around with water in my hand and answered "great" I smiled.

"We just talked about her and Liam's wedding plans,and you know ...girl talk".I poured my self a glass of water and sipped while he looked at me with a smile.

"Yea, well I was waiting for you on the steps not knowing when you were coming home, which explains why I was sleeping " he laughed while explaining his actions.

"Your too cute" I awwed.

He responded with a wink "Only naturally".

I chuckled at his arrogant but adorable comment. He got up and came closer. His body now pressed mine against the cupboard.

"Ahh"I let out a noticeable pain groan.

I guess there were more bruises.He stepped away with concern in his eyes.

"Babe are you alright, I'm sorry"he said.

"Ohh no I'm fine its just I'm a little stiff from my workout this morning" I lied.

He came a tad closer "Aww Rey do you need ice?....or I know how to loosen you up"he winked with obvious intentions.

Trying not to sound rude but at the same time get what I really want."You know Niall ice sounds really good" I said, pulling out my puppy dog eyes

His shoulders lowered a bit in defeat.

But returning with a helping smile "Anything for my princess".

He grabbed the back of my legs setting me on the countertop. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to wear his body was know between my legs. His hands placed on my thighs.

Nose to nose I smiled " How did I ever get the most amazing Guy in the world?"

He blushed "Well I'll tell you, if anyone can explain to me how I got you" he chuckled placing his index finger between my breast.

He quickly kissed my forehead before getting the ice. Strangley he sprinted into the living room too.

Returning with a movie and ice in hand he joked "Ice and a movie? ".

"That sounds... perfectly perfect" I replied.

He grinned at my answer. Rushing picking me up bridle style he carried me up the steps to the bedroom. Gently setting me on the coral colored duvet of the bed. He strolled over to the TV. Getting my self situated on the bed, I saw the TV light flash on. And a familiar tune rang out of it.

"Niall.....,Grease again? " I chuckled from across the room to him.

"What? Its my favorite!" He laughed but dead serious.

"Babe,we've only watched it about a bijillion times!" I said half hearted.

He replied in a whiny tone "I know, but you can't go wrong with a classic, there's just no way" he grinned.

"You got me there" I replied giving in to his "Grease Speech" again.

He hopped into bed propping himself on his elbow next to me.

Holding up the icepack in hand "Soo where do you want this?".

"Well squat thrust was really hard today" I answered.

Niall cheekily grinned "How hard?".

Giving into his dirty game "Ohh it was really hard" I answered in a whimpering voice.

I took his hand that clasped the icepack and dragged it to my inner thigh. A shot of relieved chill ran up my leg.

Knowing I was only teasing him badly he ask "Better?"

"Better" I nodded.

"Good" he grinned.

The moment lasted until I snuggled my head on his. polo covered toned chest and directed my head to the TV screen. With Niall lightly stroking my hair and watching the movie, I drifted to sleep.

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