Discovering Your Dreams

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"As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." 1 Peter 4:10

Did you know that God endowed you with gifts and talents uniquely design for you. He's given you the ideas, wisdom, creativity and the knowledge, as well as specific areas in which you can excel. You may be stuck in a career field you do not like just trying to earn a living. Some days you feel like just quitting your job? Well it's because you are not pursuing the dreams and desires God has placed within your heart. You see with the dreams God himself have given us we won't toil while doing them. Is there anything you love to do? and it comes so easy to you? Then maybe that's your gift from God. If we are not moving toward our God-given destiny, tension and dissatisfaction will always exist in our inner being.

If you are still insure on your what your destiny is from God, consider asking him in a prayer. Ask him to show you the gifts and talents he have given you and for him to lead you into entering that path.

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