Your POV
The sun started to set and my eyes started to drop, so I searched for a place to sleep when I stumbled across a tree house.
"Hello?" I called to see if anyone was up there.
Shrugging I started to climb the ladder as there is no reply. I reached the top and looked around at the warm homely little tree house. A bed is sat at one side and a chest at the other and a shelf full of books.
I pulled myself up and wandered to the bed. 'Comfy!'. As soon as my head hit the pillow I fell into a dream.
'"Come here you" a woman call to a little girl, about six maybe seven. "Mama" the little girl cried. "I have something for you" she pulled out a beautifl crystal woven into some metal and attached to a necklace. "Pretty" the child giggle. "It's magical. It will protect you" she put it round her daughter's neck and tied it at the back. "Thank you Mama" she giggled and ran around. "What have you got" a boy came out the house and up to the little girl. "Mama gave me a necklace" she showed "It will protect me". He smiled "Look what I found little sister" he pulled a doll from behind his back. "Kate!" She gleamed as he past her the doll "Where was she?". "In Liam's room" he smirked. The girl jumped up and ran in the house shouting "Liam!". "Why did you tell her" Liam shout running out the house with the little girl on his back. "I don't keep secrets from my precious little sister" he smirked. Liam dived at his brother. The three sibling play fought. "Oh you three" the mother laughed from the house.
All of a sudden the dream went dark. The fog cleared and the house was on fire. "Mother!" (Y\N) shouted. "Run!" She called "Run (Y\N)". "No mother I won't leave" you call. "(Y\N) get out of here we'll be fine" father calls. "I don't want to father". "Run now we can't let her get you. Now RUN!!" father yelled. You ran as fast as you could...Peter POV
I watch the girl sleep in my tree house. She moved around a lot mumbling unknown things. The crystal around her neck started to glow bright blue? Weird...
She smiled in her sleep; suddenly the crystal turned into a blood red. Tears fell down her face and she started screaming in response. I wiped the tears off her face; with a flick of my wrist I changed her dream.
The necklace started to glow blue again. 'What just happened?'. I stayed all night not wanting to leave her. I didn't want her to have another nightmare. I watched as her necklace changed from blue to pink then to black which made her eyes squint. I immediately changed her dream. The necklace turned blue again. 'Strange thing'. I tried to take the necklace from her, but it burnt me as soon as I touched it. It turned into a sea green. I backed away and it changed back to blue.
The sun started to rise. 'Time for the game to start again', I flew out the house and hide in the trees.
I woke with sun shining on my face through the window and with a stretched I stood up. I instantly began to feel hungry and looked around the house for something edible. Glancing at a little table I find a container in it. I hesitantly opened the container. 'How did this get here?'.
Inside the container lay some eggs, sausage, bacon and toast. 'Still warm?Who left this here?'. Even with that question in mind I ate everything in the container and wondered down the ladder and back in the the forest.
I strolled away from the house in search for the owner of the in when suddenly I felt like something or someone is watching me.
"Hello? Is someone there?" I demanded.
I waited, looking around. When I gained no response I shrugged of the feeling and carried on walking. My necklace started to turn into a sea green colour. I stopped instantly and looked down at my necklace. It turned from green to blue to red to a sea green colour. The sea green colour is a sign of danger and protected me from getting into trouble. That's what my mother told me before... I shook my head of the thought and looked around to see what it was protecting me from.
"Hello?" I asked again, as I began to get shivers up and down my spine.
My hairs stood up on end and my heart started to race.
"Who's there?" I yelled hoping to scare whatever or whoever it was. "Show yourself" I demanded. Nothing. "Shadow?" I asked.
I turned back round and move fast. My speed turning into a jog then a sprint. I ran as fast as I could. I don't know if it was following me, but I didn't want to find out. I jumped over a pile rocks and slid under some branches.
"Ahhhhh!" I scream as I hall myself to a stop, nearly falling over the giant cliff to my death!
Panting rapidly I collapsed to my knees holding my side. Sweat dribbled down my forehead. I wiped away the sweat with my sleeve and got up.
"Crack! Rumble!"
Suddenly the ground below me disappeared and I started to fall. However I grabbed a hold of the grass and soil that hadn't fallen. With all the strength I had, I pulled myself up to safety.
Peters POV
I watched as the girl nearly fell of the side of the cliff. With some luck she managed to pull her self up and onto the solid ground. She smiled and cheered. I smirked in amusement.
She hauled herself up and started walking in the direction she came. Walking straight passed me without any knowledge that I am right there behind a tree.
"Did I miss anything?" Felix asked jogging over to me.
"Apart from the fact are little friend nearly die. No" I smirked.
"Ha she nearly died, how?".
"Cliff" I laughed.
"Did you save her then?" He went serious.
"No. She's quiet skilled you know. She saved herself and plus I'm not that generous" I pushed passed him glancing at the girl before leaving.

Lost Girl
Fanfiction(Book 1 - Peter Pan x Reader) After losing everything, (Y/N) finds her self being taken by a shadow to an island. Whist she's on this island she meet a boy named Peter Pan and his lost boys. After a rough start she become friends with them and start...