Your POV
'"Do you have to go brother" you ask your brother as you walk in the docks. "I'll be back soon" he promises. "Do you not care about me, sister" Liam asks. "Of course I do" you hug Liam. Liam run over to hug mother and Farther. "I'm gonna miss you the most" you turn to your brother "But that's a secret" you put a finger to your lips and you brother mimics you and does the same. He hugs you before leaving with Liam on to the boat. "Are you coming,(Y\N)" your mother asks. "No I'll meet you back home later" you wave. You sit down and watch you brothers boat leave. "BYE (Y\N)!" You brother yelled. "Goodbye Brother!" You yell back. A tear runs down you face as you leave. You run back home. "I'm back" you call to your parent. They smile at you.
All of a sudden the dream when dark. The fog cleared and the house was on fire. "Mother!" (Y\N) shouted. "Run!" She called "Run (Y\N)". "No mother I won't leave" you call. "(Y\N) get out of here we'll be fine" you father calls. "I don't want to father". "Run now we can't let her get you. Now RUN!!" You father yelled. You ran as fast as you could...'I woke up screaming. Tears filled my eyes.
"What's wrong, Love" a familiar voice asked, appearing in front of me.
"Nothing" I mumble.
"Your lying, I can tell" he smirks at me.
"I had a dream about my family" a tear rolls down my cheek.
"Are you ready to come out of the cage?" He questioned and I nodded.
He disappeared under the cage then I fell out of the bottom of it. I screamed and closed my eyes. I suddenly felt hands wrap around me. I opened my eyes to find, Peter holding me.
"Do you still not trust me?" He gives me a devilish smirk.
I couldn't help, but smile at him. We smiled at each other for what feels like a minute.
"So..." I broke away from his eyes.
"Oh yeah sorry" he put me down.
"Thank you".
"Your welcome" he smiles.
"I mean for everything. I'm guess your the one who healed my leg and broke the apple of the tree and healed my back when I fell of the tree" I smile "And I'm just guessing the containers are from you".
He smiled "Um yeah".
I couldn't help but hug him. I felt my heart race. He hesitated before wrapping his long arms around my waist.
Peters POV
She pulled away and smiled "I'm sorry". I shook my head.
We stood awkwardly.
"Hey did you put a spell around the tree house?!" She broke the silence.
"Why yes I did, Love that was because I wanted to...I mean we had some pirate came to Neverland" we started to walk as I explained "A pirate named Captain Hook and his crew came here to take Neverland from us".
"So why lock me in the house?".
"I was um...protecting you incase they got on the island" I told her awkwardly.
"Thank you" a beautiful smile spread across her face.
"So do you want to come to my camp" I asked.
I could tell she was thinking. Her smile disappeared.
She turned to me "Ok" she smiled nervously.
I picked her up gently .
"Please don't fly" she begged.
"I won't go high, Love. I promise".
She hesitantly nodded and wrapped her arms around my neck. I flew up and she hid in my chest.
"Come on, (Y\N) I won't drop you". She looked up at me before looking down and smiled.
I flew around making her laugh then freak out when I dropped and caught her.
"So have you been following me ever since I got here?" She asked raising a brow.
"Um...yes. You were my entertainment, watching you wonder around the island like a lost lamb" I smirk.
"Oh really. So that's why my necklace kept glowing. Wait my necklace where is it?" She suddenly questioned.
"It's safe don't worry".
"Please, Peter my mother gave it to me when I was little, it's the only thing I have left of her" she looked down.
I flew down to the beach; sat her down and sat next to her. "What happened to you family may I ask?".
She thought for a moment before answering...

Lost Girl
Fanfiction(Book 1 - Peter Pan x Reader) After losing everything, (Y/N) finds her self being taken by a shadow to an island. Whist she's on this island she meet a boy named Peter Pan and his lost boys. After a rough start she become friends with them and start...