A\N. Yay so happy to say I have over 300 readers yay. Thank you and enjoy. Please leave comments and ideas...
Peters POV
I made my way through the forest, following a purple glow. It's been a couple of hours and still I hadn't found,(Y\N). 'Where are you?'. Suddenly the necklace stopped. The purple glow turned red and started to fly away. It's speed quickened making me fly next to it. Turning left then right, it came to a stop. It turned grey and fell to the ground. Picking it up I look around.
"(Y\N)!" I yell.
CRACK! A stick broke behind me. I turned around to find...(Y\N)!
"(Y\N)!" I smile.
She looked puzzled but is didn't stop me from approaching her.
"Where have you been?" Taking a step forward I realises she has her hand next to her with dark purple magic in it "Since when did you have magic?"
"Who are you?" she stepped back.
"Wait,(Y\N) you don't remember me?".
"Should I?" She growled.
"Um yeah we're friends more or less" I step forward.
"I think I would remember you" she stepped back against a tree.
"Why can't you remember?" I mutter.
"Because, dear" a voice behind me says with a laugh.
I turned to voice belonging to a woman in a long black dress, her black eyes staring straight into mine as she magically appears in front of me. I turns to see,(Y\N) is gone.
"Where is she?" I hiss.
"Oh, dear boy, she doesn't belong to you any more. She is my apprentice and soon will be a very, very powerful witch" she laughs "Oh don't worry she'll be fine. You'll get over her within a week I guarantee".
"You think it's that easy to get rid of me, eh?" I growled.
"What do you mean?" She questioned.
"I'm not leaving and she's not staying" I warned.
"Oh, dear boy your so stupid to think you can get her. I'm more powerful than you think" dark magic flew around us "You see, boy I'm a very dark person and soon your dear little friend will be too. You know what?" The magic vanished. She took another step closer, looking at me straight in the eye. "You should join us. You are a very dark person yourself you know. Your heart is very black indeed".
Suddenly pain filled my chest as she ripped out my heart.
"See?" She showed me my heart. Only a patch of red showed and the rest black "Your a MONSTER, like me" she giggled.
The word 'Monster' made me growl.
"Haha the mighty, Peter Pan hates the word monster. Well you see that's what you are. It doesn't matter how much you change for the girl, you are and always will be a MONSTER!" She laughed hysterically and disappeared, leaving behind my heart, lying in the floor.
Picking it up I shove it back into my chest.
Moments later the necklace started to glow again in my pocket. Letting it go, it flew off with me following it I made my way to a lit camp. Crouching down in a bush, I notice,(Y\N) her eyes closed and a book in her hand mumbling a spell. The fire started to dance around the camp."Well done. I'm impressed" the witches popped up.
"Thought you was going to the village" (Y\N) raised her brow, opening her eyes to look at the witch.

Lost Girl
Fanfiction(Book 1 - Peter Pan x Reader) After losing everything, (Y/N) finds her self being taken by a shadow to an island. Whist she's on this island she meet a boy named Peter Pan and his lost boys. After a rough start she become friends with them and start...