Your POV
I was introduced to all the lost boys. We played games and laughed. When the night came, Peter lit the fire in the middle of the camp and played his pipe. Everyone danced around the fire.
"Come dance with us" Cubby shouted.
I got up and danced with them all around the fire. The fire is so warm it makes us all sweat. I didn't care though, its fun!. We dance back and forth around the giant fire laughing and pushing each other around. Peter smiled at me every time I looked at him. His smile made me blush every time. I hope he doesn't notice.
Peters POV
I play the pipes as, (Y\N) and the lost boys dance around the fire. Her laugh filled my ears making me smile. She kept glancing at me and smiling. I felt my cheeks warm up every time she looked at me. A twig snapped behind me and Felix appeared. He sat next to me and stared into the fire.
"Sorry" he mumbled looking at me.
"For what?" I stopped playing and looked at him.
"Don't play dumb, Pan".
"Don't talk to me like shit, Felix" I continued to play.
"Sorry" he looked away and at, (Y\N).
"Listen, Felix no one will change me from being the leader. If you want I'll be more harsh?" I joke.
He looks at me and laughs.
"You do realise, Felix your probably one of the closest people to me and I'm proud to call you my friend".
He smirks and looks back at the fire.
The moon shone over the camp. The fire died and the boys went to bed."Night, (Y\N)" Curly hugged her before running off into his tent.
I get up and walk over to her "May I have this dance?" I bow.
She raised a brow before curtsying. I place my hand on her waist; she places a hand on my shoulder. I threw my pipe up and flick my wrist at the same time. Pink smoke came out of my hand and into the pipe. The pipe started to play a slow melody.
(Y\N) looked amazed and placed a hand in mine. We dance around the camp. I started to make us fly up slowly, dancing around as we went up and the pipes followed.
"Peter!" (Y\N) gasped and looked at me worriedly.
"Just look at me not down" she nods and looks into my eyes with a smile.
I flew us over the island and onto the beach. The song came to a stop as we touched the sand.
(Y\N) looked around happily "Ha that was amazing thank you" she wrapped her arm around my neck.
I wrapped my arms loosely round her waist. She looks up at me. Her (E\C) eyes sparkled in the moon light. I lean in and she did the same. Our lips brush together making my heart thump loud.
Your POV
My heart began to beat faster as I lean in too. I close my eyes as our lips connect. He tightens his grip around my waist. One of my arms are around his neck and the other one is in his hair. Our kiss became long and passionate.
I never want it to end, but sadly we had to part for air. I stare into his green eyes. My cheeks started to heat up. His cheeks got a tint of red.
"I have something for you" he said pulling.
"My necklace" I reach out.
"May I?" I nod and he puts my necklace around my neck.
It instantly started to glow pink. 'It's never done that before. Does this mean' I smile as my cheeks grew hotter. He caressed my (H\L) (HC) hair in his hand and gave me his charming smile.
He kissed me again. This time it felt loving and forever lasting. He broke away and took my hand. We walked back to the camp. Our hands entwined. I couldn't help smile every time he looked at me. Everything's quiet in the camp. Peter lead me to the biggest tent. I walk in amazed.
"What?" He asked sitting on the double bed.
"It's bigger than it looks on the outside".
He smirks "That's magic, love. I hope you don't mind sharing".
I shrug and shake my head joining him on the bed. Yawning I lie down.
"Goodnight (Y\N)" is all I hear before darkness took me into a deep sleep.

Lost Girl
Fanfiction(Book 1 - Peter Pan x Reader) After losing everything, (Y/N) finds her self being taken by a shadow to an island. Whist she's on this island she meet a boy named Peter Pan and his lost boys. After a rough start she become friends with them and start...