Somewhere Only We Know - Ch. 1

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Kaoru walked through the giant halls of Ouran Academy and searched around for his missing twin. They were always together and ever since they started taking their "brotherly love" to the next step in secret, he really needed to be next Hikaru. He wanted to be by his side all the time but he knew Hikaru had the biggest mouth of the two and was a bit of a troublemaker. More than himself. Kaoru also knew all the hosts would tease him about liking Haruhi and he might get so mad at the comments and blurt out their relationship. He knew that the comments got to him. They made him mad and often go to bed early without saying anything to Kaoru. It made him upset to see his brother and boyfriend get so angry and silent over some little friendly comments. Kaoru quickened his pace to as fast he could get it without tripping up the millions of stairs. He listened in through cracks in the many doors to hear Hikaru's sexy and somewhat high pitched laugh that he loved so much. None of the voices coming through the door's metal or wood belonged to Hikaru. "Where is he?" Kaoru grunted, knowing if he asked someone they'd only try to ask him instead. But the problem was-- Kaoru DIDN'T know where Hikaru was. And it worried him. Suddenly, he heard the loud talking and boasting of Tamaki. He thought he might as well ask Tamaki if he'd seen him since he wasn't getting any luck really so far. He turned the corner and saw Tamaki going on and on on one of his plans for college talks and by his side was Haruhi, smiling and just constatly nodding at her taller boyfriend rambling. Kaoru made it them and smiled at the both of them. "Hey Kaoru, where's Hikaru?" Tamaki smiled at him, seeing his face drop. "That's the thing that I wanted to talk to you about Tamaki, and Haruhi," he said, straighting his tie. "I don't know where Hikaru is. I was hoping to ask if you two had seen him today." he asked, sighing deeply. "No, we've been working on our "Serenade Song" for the contest, remember?" Tamaki smiled, wrapping his arm around Haruhi's shoulder. "Actually, we WERE but my king here got into college and wants to talk about it non stop when we SHOULD be working on our "Serenade Song" but you know how he is." Haruhi shrugged off his hand and smiled at Kaoru. He should of known these two would be no help to him. "Perhaps Hikaru is working on his own "Seranade Song" in Music Room #3." Kyoya spoke up, walking up to stand by Tamaki's side. A light in Kaoru's gold eyes appeared as he slapped the side of his face. "That's probably what it is! Thanks Kyoya, you really are the brains behind us!" Kaoru called back, speed walking past them to make his way to the Music Room to see if Kyoya was right. He looked around to see if Hikaru had left there maybe and might be walking around. He didn't see him but reached the door with the gold handles. He heard soft, smooth guitar chords from inside and didn't recognize the song but knew if Hikaru wasn't in here... someone was.

Somewhere Only We Know - Ch. 1Where stories live. Discover now