Chapter 2

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"Bzzzzt, Bzzzzt, Bzzzzt, Bzzzzt, Bzzzzt"

"Uhhhhhhhng....." I groaned aloud. "what time is it?" I thought. "Oh Lordy, 6:00 would be midnight at home..." I forced myself out of my warm comfortable bed and grabbed some clothes, shampoo and stuff, and headed toward the bathroom. The shower woke me up further, but probably not enough still. I hurried to become presentable, and headed to the kitchen. Breakfast was oatmeal, an apple and orange juice.

"Thanks Sarah" I said. She had made breakfast after all. And she was driving me to school. After finishing breakfast, we headed for Rainsworth Secondary School. We reached the school with plenty of time to spare, which was just fine with me, as the school more closely resembled a small monastery than an actually school. Maybe it had been a monastery, some time in the past. Sarah let me out of her car, and pointed me in the direction of the main office. There were signs everywhere, pointing to different classes and rooms. Eventually I found the main office. The bored looking secretary was platinum blond, and it was obviously dyed to be that way. The sign on her desk said "Mrs. Taylor."

"Huh," I thought to myself, "I thought only American secretaries did that." At any rate, I meekly walked up to Mrs. "platinum blond" Taylor.

"Excuse me" I said, "I'm Kathy-Ann Marie VanAttere. I'm new here, I moved from America. Wisconsin if you want to be technical."

"Oh! You're the girl who's staying with Sarah and Matt Young!" Remarked Mrs. Taylor

"Yes, that would be me"

"Here's your schedule, and somewhere here I've got a map of the school...... Aha! There you are." She then proceeded to highlight all the paths to every one of my classrooms, and rather sloppily.

"Thanks Mrs. Taylor" I said as I walked out, already studying the map and my schedule. Maths was first on my schedule, and so I tried in vain to locate the route to the maths room, in all of Mrs. Taylor's neon yellow scribbling. Suddenly, I heard a quiet voice, with, of course, a British accent say,

"Do you need some help finding your way?" I turned around to see a short, black haired boy about my age, sporting almost nerdy glasses, but not quite nerdy.

"Ummmm yes that would be wonderful" I told him.

"Where are you going? You are the new American girl right? From Wisconsin?"

"Ummm maths, and yes, I am"

"Your name is Kathy-Ann then?" he inquired. "My name is Elliot" He held out his hand for me to shake.

"I prefer Ann" I said as I shook his hand.

"Maths is just around that corner over there" Elliot said.

"Thanks" I called out as I headed to my first class in a British school. Which arn't that different from American schools. My next few classes passed uneventfully. I did recall some repeating faces in my classes though. There was one girl (who's name I forgot) that was in quite a few of my classes, and sat next to me in some of them too. When lunch rolled around, she managed to snag me and sit me down at a table with her friends. They babbled on about classes and boys, and I sort of droned them out. That's when I noticed them, sitting in a corner, away from everyone else.

They were all very different from each other. One was tallish, with huge hands, and beautiful, lush, dark brown curls. Another was sort of short, and really, really skinny. He had blond hair, and a cheerful air around him. The third was sort of on the short side, but more in the middle. His hair was a wonderful caramel brown, and sort of swept to one side. His eyes glinted mischievously. The fourth was again medium height, with black hair that included a major blond/brown streak. It was up in a quiff. The last boy was sort of tall height, about the same as the first guy, with short cropped hair that was a warm brown. Just as the second boy seemed cheerful, this one seemed really sweet.

But they were similar just as much as they were totally different. They all were extremely pale, paler than me, the girl from Wisconsin which is the land of snow in May. All of their eyes were so dark they looked black, even the blond's. Dark circles under their eyes made them seem all the more darker. Also, all their features were perfect, not a single crooked nose from a fight. For some unknown reason they all looked oddly fammiliar, like I'd seen them before, although none of them were in my classes so far. But, the real reason I noticed them in the first place, was because they were all incredibly, unrealistically, brilliantly, beautifully, amazingly HOT. Or you could say sexy. Or handsome. At any rate I couldn't keep my eyes off them. Quickly, I turned to the girl who's name I had suddenly remembered, Jasmine.

"Who are they?" I asked, nodding my head toward them.

"They're the Cowells." Said Jasmine. "The one with the quiff is Zayn Cowell, the curls Is Harry Cowell, the blond is Niall Cowell, the shorter one is Louis Cowell, and the one with short hair is Liam Cowell. They all live with Simon Cowell, who I guess is like some billionaire business person cause no one ever sees him, and they all wear designer clothes....." Jasmine trails off.

"They are all...erm...very good looking" I remarked, choking out the most ridiculous understatement ever.

"Yes" she says rather sadly, "but none of them date, like, ever. Apparently they were in a terrible car crash, and their girlfriends died in it."

"Oh, wow" was all I had to say. "They don't really look related......" I trailed off.

"I don't believe they are," says Jasmine. "I believe that they're adopted"

"That Simone guy must be crazy, to adopt five guys....have they always lived in Rainsworth?" I inquired.

"No, they all moved here from London, a few years ago." That was a relief. At least I wasn't the only newish one in the school, and definitely not the more interesting one. All of a sudden, the one with the short hair looked directly at me. He looked almost curious. I looked away quickly.

"What was his name again? The one with the short hair?" I inquired.

"Liam" I looked around at him again. He wasn't watching this time. Then all the Cowells left the lunch room, and dumped the rest of their food in the trash bin. I realized that none of them had even touched their food, although the blond, Niall, looked sad as he dumped his tray. As they walked they were extremely graceful. My jaw almost dropped, but I stopped myself.

Soon enough, we left for our next classes. One of Jasmine's other friends, who kindly reminded me that her name is Ava, was in my next class, science, so I walked with her. When I walked in the room I realized there was only one open seat, next to Liam Cowell. I sat down, and right away I noticed that something was wrong. He was totally rigid, and wouldn't look at me, although, every once in a while, I would see him shoot a quick, angry glance at me.

"Whats wrong?" I asked him. I couldn't understand what I had done to this boy, who even angry, had an aura of sweetness. I couldn't fathom anything I had done! This was my first sentence I had ever uttered to him! He didn't say anything to me, and looked even angrier than when I hadn't said a word.

The rest of science passed excruciatingly slow. There were two reasons it was slow; the notes we were taking I had already written down and aced the test on in WI, and Liam. Though, I'm pretty sure the reason it felt so long was the seemingly sweet boy next to me who was glaring in the other direction from me. As I re-took the notes, I couldn't help but glance at him from time to time, to see if his rigid stance has changed. I glance at him one more time, and I wish I hadn't. He was glaring right at me. That's when I saw his eyes clearly, for the first time. They were pitch black, like onyx, like black diamonds. Quickly, I turned away, and continued with my notes. I decided to not look at him again.

At the end of class, I rushed to get out of there, but Liam was much faster. He practically flew out the door. The boy across they way from where Liam and I sat asked me

"What did you do to Liam? I've never seen him hate someone so quickly" I just shrugged, and started to walk to my next and final class of the day.

"Hey, wait!" said the boy. "I'm Mason, you must be Kathy-Ann. Whats your next class?"

"It's just Ann." I told him, "My next class is gym."

"That's my next class as well!" remarks Mason, who proceeds to walk me all the way up to the girls locker room...which is kinda creepy if you think about it. Gym would have been eventful if I had a uniform yet, but, luckily, I did not. I shudder when I think of all the humiliating and painful experiences I've had with the accursed class. Thankfully, it was over soon, and I headed "home" on the bus.

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