Chapter 1

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I always knew that someday, I would die... Until now, with Liam standing over me, teeth bared, ready to bite when I ask him to "make me Forever Young"....

I'm moving. I'm moving, with my mom, to England. My parents got divorced last year, even though all through my life they told me that they loved each other and would never get divorced. My mom had decided to move away, for obvious reasons. She wanted to go out of the same country as my father, which is little extreme, but, you know, whatever. Mom had always wanted to go back to England, as she had gone to collage there, in Nottingham, which is the closest city to where we were going to live, in the tiny town of Rainsworth. I had always wanted to live in the UK, and I would rather not live in a house of all boys. Admittedly, there are only two guys, my dad and my crazy little brother, but, a girl can't live like that, without the understanding of another female, so what the hay.

It was a looooong flight to England, but an even longer drive from the airport, at least for me. This is because my Mom and I were staying with two of her friends from collage, Sarah and Matthew (or Matt) Young, at least until we get a place of our own. The Young's were also driving us from the airport to their home. Aaand I had never met either of them. Ever. And Mom hasn't seen Sarah or Matt in a long time, soooo the trip was pretty awkward for me, at least. Of course, my mom spent all her time catching up with Sarah and Matt. Every once in a while I'd hear my name popup.

"and then Kathy-Ann said..."

Ugh. Really, I prefer Ann, just plain old Ann. I was named after my two grandmothers, Cathy and Mary-Ann, and I mean I love them and all, but it really annoys me to be called by my full first name. I don't know why. I think it's because I feel too proper, which I am already, with my straight, STRAIGHT dirty blond hair, blue-grey eyes, and I don't know, a thirst for knowledge, for truth.

We arrive at their house; its a quaint little thing on the country side. It looks like it used to be a farm, about a century ago. They painted the house light blue, with white trimming, and shutters. It's quite cute.

"Here we are" says Matt, who was driving the car. We pull into the short driveway, stop, and unload their trunk. I pull out my new purple suitcase, and my other bags as well. Sarah says something to my mother that I didn't catch, opens the door, and ushers us inside.

"All right," she says. "This is the living room, right here where we walk through the door" she notes, pointing. "Over there is the kitchen, and down that hall are the bedrooms and the loo. Kathy-Ann, your room will be the third on the left, and Tyna, yours is the second on the right"

"Ummmmmmm" I said as I raised my hand, "I would prefer to just be called Ann thanks"

"Oh.....ok" Sarah says. Quickly, I escape to my room, which is actually really nice. It's blue too, although a lot darker, almost navy blue. The lacy looking bed spread is such a light blue its almost white. Again, cute, and oldish. Suddenly it reminds me of my grandma Cathy's house and tears start to well up in my eyes. Oh God I'm gonna miss everyone so much. Not just my family, but my four best friends too. We go back to Middle School, Tianne, Jay (short for Jayia), Emily, Ericka, and I. I think I'll miss them most of all. To keep myself from crying I start un-packing my things.

We quickly eat a late supper with the Youngs, and head stright to bed after that. After all, I'm already starting at the local secondary school tommorow, and need as much sleep as I can get. I mean, I'm not tired or anything, even though its 10:00pm in Rainsworth, because at home in Tomahawk WI, it would be 4:00 in the afternoon, and my brother Josh would have just gotten home from school, but I gotta sleep while I can, or I"ll be sleeping in class tommorow.

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