Chapter 1

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I walked into the kitchen to get Augustus and put him down for his nap, "Oh my g- CLARKE!"

"What? Aren't you supposed to be putting Aug- oh my god." She paused "I'll give him a bath and you clean up the mess."

Clarke picks him up and walks off to the bathroom to wash Augustus off and I start cleaning up the flour he dumped all over the floor. It's been about a year and 4 months since he was born, and he's completely insane. About 45 minutes later Clarke comes into the kitchen and starts helping finish cleaning everything up.

"Is he sleeping?"

"Yeah, I mean it took forever, but he's finally asleep."

"Thank god."

She laughed a little as I got up and put the pile of flour that fell onto the floor into the trash. I walk back over to Clarke and I slipped on the wet floor.

"Oh my god, Bellamy! Are you ok?"

"Yeah I just fell on tile floor, but yeah I'm ok." I say in an excruciating amount of pain "but shhh I don't want him to wake up."

She looks at me the same way she always does when I'm being stupid but she reached out a hand to help me up and I sat down in the chair at the table.

"What do you want for lunch? I was thinking pizza."

"The restaurant down the street is terrible."

"Yeah, that's why we're going to be making our own pizza"

"Oh...kay then" I said skeptically.

"No I'm serious watch, it's going to be awesome!" She exclaimed. She got dough out of the fridge and tossed it up in the air, she did this like 10 more times and then she dropped it.

I clapped my hands, sarcastically applauding her "Well, I guess we know why Queens never made there own meals."

"Ok, well what do you suggest my king?" She asked as she got the dough off the floor


She sighed "fine, but only if your sister makes the cookies for Thanksgiving, because they are amazing!"

"She said she's only making them if she gets to make the mashed potatoes and the gravy."

"Aw, but that was our thing" she pouted

"I know, but I think I can live through a Thanksgiving without getting mashed potatoes and gravy all over me."

"Fine, but the cookies this year better be better then last year." And with that she dialed the number to the restaurant and ordered our food, she came back up to me after she was done and wrapped her arms around my neck. "We should have another one."

"Really? I don't think I can handle one, let alone two. And what if it's twins? Then three and then we'll be outnumbered." I said teasingly. She didn't say anything in response, she just looked at me and then kissed me. I broke away after a few seconds "oh but what if it's triplets. Then there'd be four."

"Congratulations, you can count."

"Oh trust me, I can do a lot more then count to four."

She raised her eyebrow "oh really and what would that be?"

I leaned down to whisper in her ear "I can count to 5"

She pulled away from me trying to retain from laughing, because she wanted to win "whatever, I have to go get the food anyway." She walked out to the car and drove away. And moments like that, is why I love her.
I know this chapter is like super short, and I'm sorry! But I just wanted to write a quick one to see what you guys thought and if you still want me to continue since it's been like forever and a half, and just let me know what you think!☺️

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