Chapter 2

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Authors note at the end, please read!

I came back with the food and I walked into the house and set the Chinese food on the table "Bell? I'm home!" I shout throughout the house, but not too loud because I didn't want to wake Augustus. I walked into the living room, taking my jacket off "oh, and when did this happen?"

"He woke up about 10 minutes ago." Bellamy replied handing Augustus a block "he wouldn't go back to sleep so I decided to play with him because he's funny."

"Funny?" I questioned

"He was running around and walked into the wall, then he fell backward and laughed. I never realized that kids were so much like adults on drugs until now." Bellamy said looking from me to Augustus, then back to me.

"Oh god."

"No and sometimes he'll start laughing at literally nothing, it's the funniest thing."

"No, he probably just saw you."


"Yeah, I know I'm adorable."

"Wow, you know, pride is a sin." Bellamy smirked

"Whatever." I sat down next to him and started building blocks like I was 5 again "you know what? I'm hungry, I almost forgot we had Chinese food."

"How'd you forget? You just brought it in?" He laughed.

I shrugged, "I don't know. I got distracted."

He got up and picked up Augustus to bring him out into the kitchen and we all started eating. I looked over at Augustus and he wasn't even using his fork. He was just grabbing food with his hands and shoving it into his mouth like he hasn't eaten in days. He's adorable.

"More." He said pushing his plate out towards me

"You better get him more or he might eat the plate." Bellamy whispered like he was trying to keep it a secret

"Very funny." And with that Bellamy started laughing a little

"Mommy. More." He said crossing his arms and furrowing his brows, "Mommy! I said I want more!" He demanded.

"Why don't you ask dad to get you more? He's closer." I questioned him.

Augustus looked over at Bellamy and then back at me. He just shook his head and asked for more again.

"Ok, ok, hold on sweetie." I told him as I dished out more onto his plate. Then I placed his food in front of him

"Yay! Mommy good!" He exclaimed clapping his hands with a smile on his face

"He's so cute." Bellamy pointed out

"No! Bad daddy! I am scary! Not cute!"

"Ahh I see. Now that you point it out you are very scary!"

"Good." And then Augustus continued eating as Bellamy and I tried to hold back a laugh. "Mommy, get milk."

"What do you say."

"I no know." He shrugged his shoulders placing his hands in the air

"You say please."

"Ok. I want milk." He announced and I just looked at him until he said it "fine, mommy please."

I got up and poured his milk into a sippy cup "can you get me some water?" Bellamy asked

"No." I paused, "You know, you might not know if you can Hadley having two kids, but I already am." I laughed.

He shook his head, "That's not funny."

"I think it is." I smiled and got up to get Bellamy a glass of water.

When I sit back down, Augustus starts waving to me.

"Gus, are you ok?" I asked

He cupped his hands around his mouth, "Mommy, daddy didn't say please." He tried to whisper.

Bellamy heard what Gus said, but acted like he didn't and didn't acknowledge it.

"I had to say please mommy. Why daddy no say please like me?" He asked.

I cupped my hands around my mouth as well to whisper back to him, "Well, daddy doesn't always know his manners and it's difficult for him."

Bellamy looked over at me with his jaw dropped, almost like he was offended.

"What?" I questioned, "I was just talking to Augustus about-"

"Trains!" He exclaimed, cutting me off.

"Yeh, trains." I repeated.

"I feel unappreciated." Bellamy said.

Gus and I laughed, and he took another big handful of food and shoved it in his mouth. Bellamy looked from him over to me.

"Yeh, and I'm the one who has 'difficulties' with manners." Bellamy joked.

"He's one year old. Give him a break. He's trying." I said back to him.

"Mommy. What are you talking about?" Augustus asked.

Before I could answer, Bellamy turned to him, "Trains!" He said.

Augustus squinted his eyes at Bellamy, "Mommy," he paused, "I don't believe daddy." He said.

"Yeh." I laughed, "I wouldn't either."
Ok so I will 100% try to update everyday and I probably will, but the chapters might be kinda short. Sorry.😓 anyways comment what you think of Augustus' character, I think it's cute and funny😂 but let me know what you guys think. And also let me know what you think of the story overall so far!!

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