Chapter 4

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I wake up on the couch, leaning on Bellamy as he slept peacefully. I tried to get up but the grip he had around my waist tightened, and I wasn't sure if it was just a reflex or if he was awake.

"Bellamy?" A muffled sound left his mouth but I wasn't sure what it was, I looked across the room at the window, it was light out, meaning it was morning and Bellamy should probably be getting up for work "Bellamy, get up. It's morning."

"What time?" He asked sleepily keeping his eyes shut

"I don't know, let me up so I can go see."

"K." And he released the hold he had on my waist

I walked out into the kitchen to check the time on the stove, 6:17. I walked back into the living room where Bellamy and Augustus were sleeping.

"Bellamy, you have to get up. It's 6:17."

"Alright. Oh and he didn't wake up at all last night so, just so you know."

"Oh, awesome, cool, thanks."

He walked off upstairs to go get dressed, and let Augustus continue sleeping on the couch. I turned in the TV and I was watching it for about 5 minutes and Augustus shoots up.

"Mommy! It's up-time!" He exclaims, sitting on the couch pointing out the window

"Yeah buddy, it is up-time. Do you want up-time food?" I asked

"Mommy, can you pretty please get me chocolate pancakes? I wove you."

"Yes. I will get you pancakes."

"Mommy, where's daddy?"

"He went to get ready for work."

"Awesome! Can I go to work with daddy?" He asked excitedly running out into the kitchen

"No bud, sorry."

"But, whyyyy." He whined, dragging out the word

"'s, um" I paused trying to think of something "it gets scary sometimes, he has to fight monsters that hide under peoples' beds"

"But mom, I'm scary 'member? Roar!" And he held his hands up like claws and made his 'scary' face "mom, see?" He asked tugging on the bottom of my shirt

"Yeah, but the monsters are huge! And they would grab you with their big, fuzzy, yucky hands and their make you a real monster."

"Woah!" He exclaimed in amazement, Bellamy walked out into the kitchen with sleepy eyes and his hair still a mess. Augustus looked from me to Bellamy and then he looked back at me "Is that why daddy looks scary in the mornings?" He whispered loudly and we both heard him, Bellamy looked somewhat shocked, but then he laughed silently

"Yeah" I said whispering back "but I don't think it's just in the mornings."

"Hey! I heard that." Bellamy shouted to us pretending to be mad

"Uh oh, now he's mad" he paused looking over at Bellamy "is he gonna grow fur?" He asked worried "is he gonna turn into a real monster now?"

I was trying to hold back a laugh "No, I don't think so, but then again, he couldn't get any scarier."

"Wow, that hurt." Bellamy said grinning slightly

"Mom, give him my pancakes, then maybe he'll go back to normal."

Bellamy laughed "I don't want any, I'm not hungry. And I have to go now anyway. Bye guys!" He said. He hugged me and Augustus and then walked out the door.
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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