Chapter 3

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I walked to the sink washing the dishes while Clarke was in the living room with Augustus. She comes up from behind me and wraps her arms around my stomach.

"He fell asleep" she groaned, and lightly pounded her head into my upper back "and now he's going to wake up in the middle of the night and be ready for the day, and now with him only sleeping like 15-20 minutes at nap time I'm going to end up getting like 5 hours of sleep, 6 tops."

"Don't worry about it, I'll get up with him in the middle of the night."

"No, but you have work tomorrow. You shouldn't have to get up with him."

"I know, but you also spend all day with him and I don't do as much time with him as you do. Besides I don't need as much sleep as you. 5-6 hours of sleep and a cup of coffee is all I need for a day, trust me I'll be ok. I'll get up with him."

"Thank you so much."

"You are welcome." I said as I turned around hugging her soaking the back of her shirt with the soapy water on my hands

"I'd push you away and change into another shirt, but I'm so tired I don't think I have the strength or energy right now."

"Do you want to go to bed?"

"I wanna spend time with you. Alone, without Augustus pulling at ether you at me. I want to just spend time with you and make you happy."

Make me happy? I cupped her face in my hands forcing her to look up at me "I am happy all the time with you." I paused and I saw that she was about to say something but I started talking before she got the chance "you are amazing and beautiful. You spend all day with him and pretty much all night with him too. You make me happy by just standing in front of me because you never stop trying to do stuff to make sure everyone else is satisfied, me especially but the truth is, I couldn't be happier then I already am."

"But you work all day, and then when you come home you end up watching him while I take a nap, and then when I wake up you're making dinner and you're doing everything for me and I'm never able to do anything for you. And now you're out here washing dishes, or you were before I came out and now tonight you're going to get up with him while I sleep." Tears started in her eyes and she paused "and you always have to deal with all of my problems I have throughout the day, and I always complain to you even though I know you have a million other things to do. Why are you even still with me?" She cried and I felt tears travel through my shirt and to my ski as she lowered her head back to my chest

"Clarke, don't even ask me that question. I love you, I'll always love you no matter what." I paused taking her to sit down on the sofa that Augustus fell asleep on. "You are honestly the most genuine person I know. And deal with you? Clarke, you're my life, and the stuff you complain to me about isn't like stupid drama stuff, you have no idea how many times Octavia calls me telling me all about her problems with Lincoln, but then she calls me the next day telling me how perfect he is. But Clarke, the point is that everything you're upset about right now, everything else you do that you think is making me unhappy being here, isn't a problem. I can see how hard you try to make everyone happy, not just me Clarke, everyone. And that's the thing, everyone else only cares about themselves and family, you help out literally everyone, Clarke you're perfect, you're kind and sweet and sexy as hell. You. Are. Perfect. And that's why I'm still with you." I looked down at her and saw that she fell asleep in my arms. So I used the remote to turn the TV off and decided that we'd all just sleep on the couch.


A/N: Hey guys! A friend of mine is writing a story on wattpad, it's not about Bellarke, but she's a good friend of mine, and it'd mean a lot to me if you went and checked it out!

( @ Abby-Bradbury )

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