chapter one

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“Mom, please don’t make me do this,” I exclaim to my mother as my flight is signaled to board. “Carter, we talked about this. Your father and I think that it would be best for you,” she envelops me in her arms but I do not return the hug. “I love you. Have a safe flight and call me when you get there.”

I board the plane and find my seat. This is it. I am really moving to Florida. I, Cater Rose, am leaving the town that I have lived in for seventeen years in. I live- lived in a small town in Virginia called Ravenwood. Most people have never heard of it; it’s very small.

You may be wondering why I am suddenly leaving my home and going to Florida, trust me, it wasn’t my choice. My parents are going through “tough times”. I’m not even sure if I know what that means but they do not want me around for it.

I am moving in with my parents’ best friends. They met in highschool and both were highschool sweethearts. Eleanor and Richard McDaniel are their names. I remember them visiting when I was younger. I also remember them having a boy about my age…

I do not do well around boys. I am awkward. I am a klutz. Plus, I don’t find myself very attractive. I’m not one of those people who find themselves ugly; I think that I am average. I have long brown hair and blue eyes. I’m not skinny but I wouldn’t consider myself fat. My mom always tells me that I am skinny but that’s just because at my age my mother was 180 pounds and her mother put her on WeightWatchers. I weigh about 110 and I’m 5’5; that’s good, I guess.

Enough about me, let’s get back to the flight.

I pull my phone from my carry on and see that the plane lands in a few minutes. To say that I’m nervous is an understatement; it feels like my breakfast wants come back up. I look out the window to see that the plane is gradually getting closer to the ground. I put my headphones- the ones that came with my iPhone- into my worn out backpack.

The plane landed a few minutes ago and I am now standing in the airport. I have no idea what to look for; I haven’t seen these people in years.

I continue to scan the crowd when I come across a sign the reads “CARTER” in big letters. My eyes look to the person holding the sign. It must be Eleanor. She looks familiar; light brown hair that is curled slightly. I walk towards her; managing to trip on my way there and fall on my butt; like I said, I’m a klutz.

Eleanor scurries toward me and helps me up. “Are you okay, Carter?”

“I’m fine. Thanks,” I pick up my phone that fell from my hand; luckily it had a case on it.

Eleanor and I carry my suitcases to her car. Wow, her car is pretty nice. I don’t know much about cars but I can tell you that this one is expensive.

I get in the passenger seat and buckle the seatbelt; safety first.

“I can’t wait for you to meet the boys, Carter,” Eleanor says while sending me a motherly smile.

Wait….Boys? Plural?

“I thought you had one son?” I say, sounding more of a question than a statement.

Eleanor chuckles and says, “Oh sweetie, I have six sons.” Well, this is great…note the sarcasm.

About ten minutes later we arrive at the McDaniel house- excuse me, I mean mansion. This place is like a castle…okay, that may be an exaggeration but this place is huge.

A man drives Eleanor’s car away to, I’m assuming, the garage and another takes my bags. I walk towards the magnificent house and slowly take each step.

Eleanor unlocks the door and lets me in. “Stay right here and I will call the boys.” She walks over to, what I think is an intercom, and tells the boys to come down the living room. Eleanor leads me to living room and I hear an elevator ding. They have an elevator?!

I turn around and see five boys standing in a line. Let me rephrase that…I turn around and see five extremely attractive boys standing in a line. I can feel my awkwardness growing as the seconds pass.

“Boys, this is Carter and she will be living here. Please try not to scare her; I’d like to have girl around for a change. Now introduce yourselves,” she directs her children.

The first boy steps up. I think he’s the oldest. “My name is Cooper; it’s nice to meet you.” Holy crap, he is attractive. He is about 6’2 with green eyes and brown hair. He looks like he is older than me by a few years.

The next one in line comes up and says, “Hi, I’m Blake,” he smiles at me and I swear I about melt; this boy has dimples and they are so cute. Blake is the most attractive of his brothers, for sure. He is about 6’0 with green eyes, really light brown hair-similar to Eleanor’s and looks to be about my age.

Two boys, identical, walk up this time and say, “This is Hunter,” “And this is Hayden,” they pointing to each other. I notice that they style their hair to different sides; I can use this to tell them apart. They both are about 5’11 with green eyes, brown hair and look to be 16.

The last boy in the line walks up and introduces himself, “I’m Logan,” he says and steps back in line. He looks to be the youngest, about 15, and the same height as the twins. He also has green eyes just as the other McDaniel boys have and his hair is brown.

Suddenly, a boy comes bolting down the stairs…covered in paint. He looks to be 7 or 8 and has green eyes like his brothers and light hair like Blake.

He brings a painting to Eleanor and says, “Mama, look what I painted.” She examines the painting and says, “This is great, sweetie. Thank you, Oliver.”

Oliver turns to me and looks me in the eyes. It feels like we are having a staring contest but he pulls away and says, “You are very pretty,” and hugs my legs.

“Let’s let Carter get some rest; I’m sure the flight must have tired you out. Blake, show her where her room is,” says Eleanor and she walks off somewhere.

The boys disperse and Blake walks toward me and says, “The elevator is this way,” while pointing to where the boys came from before we met.

We get in the elevator and I see that there are five floors. Are they rich?

“Your room is on fourth floor, along with me and Logan,” he says while pushing the button marked with a “4”.  The elevator is surprisingly fast; good for me, less time to embarrass myself.

There are four doors on this level.

“That your room at the end of the hall way,” Blake says and gives me a smile. I blush and turn to look at my shoes. “Thanks.”

“Any time,” he says and walks over to his room.

 I enter my room to see light purple walls-lavender. My bed looks to be queen sized and has a comforter that is ombred blue- light blue toward the pillows and dark toward the foot of the bed. There is a white desk with a MacBook sitting atop it. On the wall opposite my bed lays a plasma TV.

The suitcases sit inside the walk in closet. I open them and pull out a t-shirt, pajama pants and sports bra to sleep in. I grab my toothbrush and other necessities and bring them to my bathroom and get ready for bed.

I pull the covers up to my chin to be warm. I wish I was back in Virginia; back in my bed. I feel tears form in my eyes. I have to get over it because I am going to be staying in Florida for a while. My eyes begin to feel heavy and sleep washes over me.

Author's note: Hey! thanks for reading this chapter and if you liked it please comment and vote. also comment what you didnt like so i can fix it. i know that this chapter probably sucked but i promise it will get better and i will try and update soon. Also the picture to the side is Carter.

~ Alexx

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