chapter four

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Author's note: Is anyone good at making covers? I really don't like mine. If you are willing to do it then message me and we can work something out c:    P.S. thanks for reading!   ~Alexx

Today is Saturday and I am bored out of my mind. I’ve been lying in bed for a few hours because I couldn’t fall back asleep. Have you ever just stared at your ceiling? That’s all I’ve been doing. My vision is a bit blurry today. It happens every once in a while and my doctor has no idea why. I usually will get a headache and then my vision will be blurry for about a day. I guess the headache I had last night from thinking too much is what caused it this time. I have to wear glasses so it’s not too blurry; they aren’t bad though. My glasses are what most people call hipster glasses.

After showering and putting regular clothes on, I take the elevator down to the kitchen. It doesn’t look like anyone is here. I fix some cereal and sit on the couch.

Still bored, I grab my phone from my jean pocket and unlock it. Looking through my contacts, I tap on Lena’s name to call her.

“Hello?” she answers, also sounding bored.

“Hey, Lena, wanna come over?” I ask. I hope she says yes.

“You are asking me to come to the McDaniel estate?!” she asks, sounding very excited.

“Umm, yeah…”

“Okay, I’ll be there in fifteen,” she says.

“You don’t need directions?” I ask curiously.

“Everyone knows where the McDaniel estate is,” she retorts.

Twenty minutes later Lena and I are in my room. We decided to lay by the pool so we are putting on bathing suits. Mine is a white and strapless, while Lena’s, which she borrowed from me, is a light blue bikini.

“I still can’t believe you live here!” she squeals as we walk to the pool. I haven’t been to the pool yet and it is huge. Comfy chairs line the sides as the sun beats down on us.

“Neither can I.”

Lena and I have been out for about two hours and I think I’m getting some color. Abruptly, I feel a few drops of something hit me. Opening my eyes, I realized that it’s raining.

“We should probably go in; it’s starting to rain,” I say while getting up and pulling a t-shirt over my head. We walk back up to the house and through the backdoor.

“So where is everyone?” Lena asks while looking around.

Just then the front door opens and the sound of giggling filled the house. I turn around and see Blake and Clio. Blake walks off to the bathroom but Clio walks toward the kitchen, where we are.

“Eww, why are you here?” she asks with a look of repulsion.

“I um live here,” I say. I admit she does intimidate me a bit. She is kinda scary….and slutty.

“Gross…” she says and walks to the living room. Hastily, Lena and I walk to the elevator and step in.

We get up to my room and change back into regular clothes. I jump onto my bed and lay down and Lena follows.

“I can tell that you like Blake; don’t bother trying to hide it,” she says with a knowing look. I shake my head but look down at my hands, in my lap and fix my glasses.

“I see the way you look at him, don’t deny it to your best friend,” she retorts with a smile and gives me a shove.

I smile a bit while blushing and say, “Okay, I might like him a little.”

“We should go watch a movie. Don’t y’all have like your own theater here?” she asks, half-jokingly. I laugh and say, “I don’t think it’s an actual theater but I haven’t seen it. I’ve never been on the fifth floor before.”

She jumps up from the bed and says, “Great! Let’s go.”

I’ve never been on the fifth floor but I know that there an office for the kids, a game room, an art room, and a movie room.

We step through the door of, what I guessed, was the movie room. Around the room are beanbag chairs of different colors and in the middle is a black couch. By the large TV, someone is looking through the DVDs and Blake is standing next to him. He looks familiar; he must go to Coastal Prep.

Suddenly, Blake looks up, “Hey, guys; y’all want to watch a movie with us?”

“Yeah sure,” says Lena as she nudges me with a wink.

“I’m Holden, by the way,” says the boy. He’s cute. His hair is my color and he has tan skin from living in Florida.

“I’m Lena.” Oh, she’s blushing. She must like him; now I can bug her about Holden like she bugs me about Blake.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you two were siblings or something. Y'all look exactly alike....beside the whole 'different gender' thing," says Blake while gesturing to Holden and I. We look a bit alike but I wouldn't say that we look like siblings....

All four of us sit on the big couch in the middle. I sit with Lena to my right and Blake on my left; Holden sits on Lena’s left.

Blake clicks play on the remote to start the movie. The word ‘Mama’ comes up on the screen and a shiver goes up my spine. I am terrified of scary movies.  I look to my right and see Lena already looking at me, mirroring my expression.

“Don’t be scared, girls; it’s just a movie,” says Holden.

One of those creepy, little girls jumps out of nowhere and scares the crap out of me….not literally; that would be awkward. I grab my knees, into the fetal position, and turn to my left and bury my head so I can’t see it anymore. I feel an arm on my back and I jump a bit.

“It’s okay; it’s just a movie,” whispers Blake.

I don’t really pay attention to the rest of the movie; one, because it was scary and two, because it is kind of hard to focus on anything while being this close to Blake.

Why does he have to have a girlfriend?

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