chapter six

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In shock, I stand there in the kitchen with everyone around me mirroring my expression. Holden is my brother? My twin? How is this possible? What are the chances of moving to a town without knowing anyone and finding your long lost twin brother, who you knew nothing about?

Finally, after calming down a bit, I try and call my parents to figure this out but neither pick up. I look over to see Holden on the phone; I guess he got ahold of one of his parents. Maybe they can explain this very confusing situation.

He hangs up and slides his case-clad iPhone back into his jean pocket. After sighing, he says to me, “My mom said that she wants to talk about it at home…she also told me to ask you to come.”  

“Should we come?” asks Blake, referring to him and Lena.

“No it’s okay; I will fill you in when I get back.”

Ten minutes of driving in Holden’s car, we arrive at his house. It is the cliché kind of perfect house that you see in movies; outside painted yellow and white with a well-kept lawn and a little gnome by the flower bed. Perfect.

We walked toward the door when a realization hit me like a ton of bricks. What if Holden’s parents are mine? Am I about to meet my biological parents?

Holden leads me through the house and to a decent sized dining room. His parents, both there, gesture for us to sit down across from them.

“Hello Carter, it’s nice to meet you,” says Holden’s dad. I nod in response, not trusting my mouth to form words.

“We didn’t want you to find out this way; we wanted to tell you,” says his mom, Stacy, with an apologetic expression across her face. His dad, Greg, lays a sheet of paper on the table. It’s a joint birth certificate; they are used when twins are born. The parent section on my side doesn’t have my parents’ names or Holden’s.

As if Holden was reading my mind, “We are both adopted?”

“Yes sweetie. Your biological parents were in a car accident. They died on impact. Your father and I had been trying to have a baby at the time. We weren’t having much luck. We then decided to adopt. When we saw you, we thought that you were the most perfect baby in the world. We saw the birth certificate and realized that you had a twin but when we asked about Carter, they said that she had already been adopted. ”

Tears threaten to spill from my eyes. Why did my parents tell me? Were they planning on ever telling me?

My head pounds in my skull like a prisoner trying to break free. Looking up at Stacy, she asks with a worried expression, “Carter, are you-“

That’s when everything went black…

Opening my eyes, I recognize where I am- my room.

“Carter? Are you awake?”

I look to my left and see a blurry Blake sitting in the chair that sits in the corner of my room. I sit up on my bed, but stay wrapped in the blanket. Everything comes flooding back to me and tears well up in my blue eyes. The bed shifts besides me and I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my back, giving me hug. I try to stop the tears; i don’t like to cry in front of people, it makes me seem weak.

“Shhh…it’s going to be okay, Car.”

“I’m so confused,” I retort.

“It’s okay. Go back to sleep. You fainted earlier; you need some rest,”

Waking up, I see the moon shining through the curtain and shades on my window. I stand up from my comfortable bed and stretch. My body pains from being in that position for that amount of time. I leave my room for the elevator.

Once downstairs, I decide to fix a bowl of cereal for myself. After choosing coco puffs, I pour them into the bowl I grabbed from the cabinet. After pouring the milk and grabbing a spoon, I turn to leave the kitchen.

“Finally, you’re awake,” says Blake, scaring me half-to-death; I almost spilled my cereal.

“You scared me.” I catch the breath I hadn’t realized I lost. He chuckles and we walk to the elevator. Once inside, he presses the ‘3’ button to take us up to our floor.

“How are you feeling?” he asks sincerely.

“Tired and hungry.” The elevator reaches our floor and we depart from it.

“Goodnight, Car,” he says with a halfhearted smile.

“Goodnight, Blake.”

After my cereal, I change into a black sports-bra and some light blue, plaid pajama pants to sleep in. I snuggle into the warm blanket positioned across the bed. A million thoughts run through my head as I lay there.

Why didn’t my parents tell me that I’m adopted? Were they ever going to tell me? Why was Blake in here earlier? Why was Blake being so nice? Do I like Blake?   

I know not the answers to any of the questions but the last….Yes. Yes, I do.

Sorry for taking so long to update, I've been studying for exams. I know that this chapter isn't very good but it will start to get better, I promise. Do you guys like my new cover?

Question: Do y'all like One Direction? <3

I love y'all  c:


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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2013 ⏰

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