RED WOODS: chapter 3

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Chapter 3

     The alarm never rang. When my younger sister, Megan burst into my room to wake me up, I saw that it is almost noon. More precisely 11:45. I groaned and got out of the bed. She watched me. I answer to her eyes. She didn't move from her post by the door. I entered in the small bathroom. I took a shower, washed my teeth and I felt better. I went back into the room, and Megan was still there. This time she was sitting on the bed.

-Well? What do you want? – I asked sharply.

     I know that this is not very nice of me to speak to my sister in that way, but she never had a similar concern. I was just suspicious.

-Yesterday you worried us all. – She said with her melodious voice.

-Really? And ask me? It is not fun to lie in unconscious in the middle of the woods.

     She jumped out of bed visibly annoys by my words.

-I am here to see, but you keep nasty, Drea.

-Well, I'm not used to your care.

     I started to dress. Outside it looked hot, but I did not want to risk. Therefore put on a thin black blouse and jeans. My feet were bare. Indeed, for a moment I felt guilty about the way I talked to Megan. For this I apologized. She accepted my apology and both went down in the kitchen.

     Besides my family and there was someone else. Megan and I went with them. Mom looked at me, she rose from her chair and hugged me. She looked really worried. My brother also stood, but he do not daring to embrace me. Just saying:

-Are you still angry to me, baby?

-I don't know. But I hope that you will not do it again.

-I promise. Honestly. – He smiled, feeling relieved.

-Well... I... I want to ask... How do I end up here? – I feel stupid for asking that question where, but I think it was logical to want to know.

     Nobody answers. Unknown man smiled and stood up. He proceeds to me. My heart almost stopped. He was so... unnatural beautiful. There was something different in his broadcasting.

-I am guilty of this. – He extended his hand to me. – My name is Kahlan Stevens. I am a friend of your brother. Pleased to meet you when you're awake.

     Slightly and insecure I grabbed his hand. Then I looked at my brother. Just as I expected... He is a bad liar. But if this man... Kahlan... returned me in home, this means that unusual flavor which was permeates in my clothes... was his. Interesting, huh? When he smiled at me, I really troubled. It seemed to me that he knows that I find him fascinating. Therefore I hurried to get out of there. I justified that I should go to bookstore, because I need books and pencils. Nobody objected.

     I went in my room. I put on my socks and shoes and grabbed my purse, along with some money. I ran downstairs and came to the door when my dad stopped me. He told me that it is better not to go alone. He told me that Kahlan will go to town and can take me. I wanted to refuse. Almost I did it, but... The feeling was quite strong. I was worried. However, I got in his car.

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