Chapter 2

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“You’re exactly 1 minute late again Mr.Lincoln.” Says Mr.Titor.

I really hate Mr. John Titor. Annoying. Condescending. Creepy.

I just glare back at him and take my seat. Chloe follows behind. I can almost sense her sticking her tongue out at him.

As always I sit down silently in the 3rd row with Chloe sitting behind me.  The strangely not that bad looking guy with thick-rimmed glasses barely resting on his nose stares at me as always. Mr.Titor pushes his glasses up and clears his throat.

“Well now. Shall we begin today’s lesson.” He says.

Funny thing is the lesson is always something completely random that he pulls out his back end. I always find myself taught and interested unfortunately though. He’s still a smart guy, just a creep.

He pulls out a clock from behind his desk. My interest level has already suddenly risen.

“Simple is it not? We use the simple mechanics inside one everyday to tell us the time and date. Based solely on cogs and information that we’ve used for years we use time to base lives around. Even our internal functions are based around time. What would happen though if external forces outside of our control messed up this system?”

Curiosity levels are maxed out. I don’t like the guy, but that was a good question. My level is the same and ordinary every day and that’s how I like it. I would hate it if it was changed up.

He sits on his desk and keeps talking.  “Now some theoretical physicists have been theorizing” He chuckles. I groan.

“Ok. About what?” I ask. I want to know what he’s getting at.

“Basically there’s a popular theory around lately that everything in this world we live in can be put into data. With that, it’s almost as if we can ‘play around’ with the world if we had the ability to ‘edit’ this data anyway we want.”

“So what’s that got to do with time?”

“So glad you asked young Mr.Lincoln. The point is that if someone with enough computer power and resolve could reset time over and over. That power of the world would truly be in their hands. Now then, your assignment is to write out the physics, principles, and paradoxes involved in time-control.”

Interesting. I never do my homework anyway, but I’ll give the assignment some thought.

The bell rings. We leave.

“Oh. One more thing Mr.Lincoln.”

I turn around to see the creepy, handsome man grinning at me. “Yes sir?” I reply.

“Be careful. You never know if tomorrow will come.” He cackles. Yes, cackles. His evil side shows just a little. This should’ve been my 1st hint of things to come. I just turn around, shrug, and head out to catch up to Chloe.

“What’d he want?” She asks.

“Nothing important. He’s just being a creep again.”

“Aw well. Want to come over?” She looks at me with almost puppy like eyes. Everyday she’ll ask me and everyday I’ll reply with

“Eventually” as I smile back.

“Pooey. You’re never any fun,” She skips off across the street to the dorms. “Seeya tomorrow then. Make sure to actually do your homework this time!” She yells and waves back.

“Ha! Like that’s ever going to happen!” I say as I casually walk backwards towards the bus stop.

Everyone that I pass keeps giving me strange looks. I know I’m smiling like an idiot thinking about telling her my feelings tomorrow.


Be careful. You never know if tomorrow will come.

Those words still buzz around in my head. I try to shrug it off, but I still have an uneasy feeling. Aw well. My weekly slice of Thursday pizza will fix me up. Angie attempts dinner on Thursday and it usually kills me.

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After my pepperoni/pineapple it’s the same thing every evening. Bus. 2nd row behind the driver. Off bus. Walk home. Run upstairs to my room before I’m stopped.

I can smell the failed attempt of dinner and Lisa on the phone with the Asian restaurant.

I run to my room, open my laptop and get ready for my gaming. A level a day keeps the dragon away. Or dead usually. It’s funny really. I’m so used to playing with 1000’s of people in MMO’s, but this game is a simple 3d world. Get the sword, go save the princess, and kill all the poor snakes. I hate snakes so it’s ok.

Currently level out of 25. Not a long game so I’ll just take my time instead of beating it in a day. Today was a good day though. Tomorrow will be exactly the same until my confession. But for now-


Crud. What is is it? Just about to beat this dungeon boss.

I go and dig my phone out of my other pants. There’s a text from a random number. It’s probably someone trying to sell me something. I always reply with my cheesy idea of a  prank.

It says- Having a good day? Want to make it great? Reply with Yes or No?

Sounds lame. I bring up the keyboard and reply.

Make it epic and then we can talk.

I lol a bit before tossing my phone on the bed. It only takes a few seconds before buzzing again. Sigh. I hop in my bed, lie down and read the message.

This is serious Jack. Perhaps today will be epic. Shall we start? Yes or No?

I shiver. I’m not sure if I’m now the prankee, but I’m seriously freaked out by this strange message. Maybe it’s just Chloe. Whatever! I have no idea so I just reply.

Fine. I’ll play along. Yea. Yes. Let’s do this. Make my day!

I start feeling weird. My head hurts suddenly. I roll over and look at my comp. I’ll just lay down for a bit. I already leveled to 9. It should be fine. That’s my last thought before my head buzzes and I end up falling asleep.

Bzzzt. . .Bzzzt . . . . . .BZZZZZZZT!!!!

Stupid alarm.

Everyday it’s the same routine.  But for some reason I grab my phone and check to see if that weirdo replied. I look at the date and my brain takes a second to comprehend what I’m reading.

May 9th, 2013. 7:00 A.M.

. . .It’s impossible right? Today can’t be the same day right?

My phone suddenly buzzes. I quickly check the message.

It can indeed be the same day Jack. It can indeed- Titor

My head hurts. The buzzing is back much louder than before. 1 last thought drifts through my clouded mind.

Be careful. You never know if tomorrow will come.

I pass out.

End of Chapter 2

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2013 ⏰

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