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I quickly changed into my workout clothes and met the other girls in the gym.

"I didn't mean to be late girls I'm sorry!" I yelped my apology to the others. The girls giggled and shrugged.

"After school tutoring with Moriarty?" Ashley smirked and my cheeks flushed red. "C'mon lets do the whole halftime show and then we'll work out the kinks." I nodded and took my place. 'My First Kiss' by 3oh!3 and Kesha blared in the gym and we started the dance. Ok even I will admit it. This dance is most definitely sexy. And we're hoping for a little bit of rain tonight to put the finish touches on the sex appeal. I finish the dance on my knees with some of the other girls kneeling in front of me, with their heads resting dangerously low on my stomach and my own head mere inches from Ashley's thigh. The music stops and for a moment all you can hear is our panting when a heavenly voice resounds through the gym and stops my heart.

"Grace?" My head snaps over to the door where I see him. Mr Moriarty. Fuck...why did I wear the 'spank it' shorts and no shirt?! I can't face him in class if he sees me like this. But I stand when the girls step away from me and make my why over to him.

"What's up Mr Moriarty?" I bit the inside of my cheek hard. He held something out for me.

"You left your phone...upstairs." He seemed to be clenching his jaw as he appeared to be looking me up and down.

I quickly grabbed my phone from him "T-Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow in class then."

"Actually I'll be at the game tonight." There was a dangerous but sexy glint in his eyes and he flashed me a smirk. "See you there." I could only nod and quickly turn and start walking back to the girls before I remembered what was written on my shorts. I turned to see if he saw. I met his eyes and he winked before turning and walking away. My face turned bright red and I put my phone in my bag and looked back at the girls. They were smirking.

"Grace...you could at least share." Ashely giggled at me and I rolled my eyes.

"It's nothing Ash." I feigned ignorance. She rolled her eyes.

"Sure. Let's go again." The music started playing again.

~le magical skip o time~

The girls and I finished getting dressed and doing our makeup. I looked in the mirror and saw myself, clad in a black leather corset style strapped top with red trim and lace, black denim shorts over fishnets and knee high black leather boots with red laces. Ashley finished my dark grey and black eyeshadow and I applied lovely dark red lipstick. My hair was curled into perfect blonde ringlets. Just then our coach came into the bathroom.

"It's time to go outside girls." We all smirked and made our way to the field. The ground was a little ripped up from the football game and slightly muddy. Perfect. We took our places and the music started. We twisted, shook, shimmied, crawled, kicked and slapped our way through the song. By the end my hair was muddy and wet, makeup slightly smeared and mud was splattered on my arms legs and chest. We made our way back inside and I was the last one in the gym getting my things when I was grabbed from behind and pinned against the wall behind the bleachers, my wrists pinned above my head. I squeaked and struggled but stopped when I heard the voice.

"How old are you?"

"Mr Moriarty?" I looked up at him. His jaw clenched like he was holding back.

"How old are you?" He growled again.

"E-eighteen." I stuttered back. This seems to please him and he smirks.

"My room. Five minutes. Don't be late and don't you dare change out of those clothes." And with that he squeezes my wrists once and lets go, turning and walking away. I knew then, no matter how much of a bad idea it was, I'd be in his room in 5 minutes.

This shouldn't have happened...But I'm glad it did.Where stories live. Discover now