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A few days passed with nothing more interesting than my own realization that I'm totally going to fail math class this year. It's true. I can't concentrate on anything besides the dazzling smile he shoots the class while explaining our homework. The smirk that makes my heart pound and blood pump faster and makes my face turn bright red. The fact that his pants seem just a little too tight, so that when he turns around the outline of lower body is goddamn near perfectly displayed in front of me.

Hell why did I choose a seat in the front of the room?!

The bell rings, signaling the end of the school and I gathered my books from my desk, shoving them in my bag. The other students began filing out of the room when Mr. Moriarty taps my desk, jerking my attention from my bag.

"Yes?" I asked quietly, feeling my face heat up.

"Stay a few minutes after class Grace." Goosebumps raise on my arms and legs at his quiet voice. Suddenly, and luckily as he turns away, a shiver racks my body and my sleeveless blouse and flower patterned skirt is way more than enough to keep me warm as my blood pumps faster. Gradually the rest of the student leave and I make my way to Mr. Moriarty's desk.

"Was there something you needed to talk to me about sir?" He sighs heavily and meets my eyes.

"Are you alright Grace? Is everything at home ok?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I nodded slowly.

"Everything's fine...why do you ask?" I bite my lip softly.

"Well...because of this." He places a sheet of paper on the desk in front of me. I put my backpack on the ground and lean over slightly to pick it up.

"This is-" I stop. "This is impossible."

"No, Grace. That's the test you took 2 days ago. I've checked with your past teachers. Even they say this is near impossible for you. What happened Grace?" My hands shake and tears well in my eyes. "You failed this test Grace. What happened? Was I going to fast for you? Were you not paying attention? This was just a review...it's nothing to worry about for your grade but-" I cut him off with a choked sob.

"No...this isn't happening...I don't fail. Especially not math..." I sobbed. He moved around the desk like lightning and pulled the test from my grasp, placing it back on the desk. Tears rolled down my face and I felt him gently brush them away with a tissue. My body shook and he gently rubbed my arms as I buried my face in my hands.

"It's alright Grace." He whispered softly. I shook my head violently.

"No! It's not! If my parents find out..." I whimper and another burst of sobs racked my body. I felt a hand move from my arm to my back. The heat of his palm soaked through my blouse and raised goosebumps, despite my violent sobbing.

"They won't find out Grace. If you want, I'll stay after class and help you make sure you understand and this won't happen again. I promise. Is that ok Grace?" It took me a while to process the offer before I nodded.

"Yes...please. That would be great." He chuckled, shooting me that wonderful smile.

"It must be, it got you to stop crying." I laughed softly.

"Right. I am sorry about that. I shouldn't have reacted like that." My face heated up again and I knew I was as red as a tomato. He shook his head slightly.

"It's no problem. So everyday after school for about an hour? Does that work for you?" I nodded quickly.

"Yes of course! Thank you again Mr. Moriarty." He smiled widely.

"It's nothing, you should probably get going though, it is Friday." I smiled back and nodded.

"Yes sir it is. See you Monday!"

"Have a good weekend Grace!"

"You too Mr. Moriarty!" I called back to him and left school with a goofy, love struck smile on my face.

Alone with my incredibly hot teacher for and hour or two everyday after school?

What could go wrong?

This shouldn't have happened...But I'm glad it did.Where stories live. Discover now