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I let out a threatening growl towards the one who shot the dart. He tried to shoot again but he was out of bullets. I start to circle him. He tries to find a way out but I block him. I get ready to pounce but I am tackled. I look up to see AG's wolf. He gives warning glance. I hope they both step on a Lego!

'Your so brutal' April tells me with no sarcasm; cause we all know that hoping that someone will step on a Lego is worse then breaking a oath on the river of Styx. (Percy Jackson fan here!)

I push AG off and he skids through the dirt. I pounce on the dart man, and we are instantly circled. They through a net over us and got dart man out. The net tingled against my fur so it was obviously silver. I struggled and struggled but the net held fast. I shift back with my clothes on and pull my knife out of my boot. I saw at the net until someone notices.

"Hey, she's trying to cut the net!" Some jerk yells.

I cut faster before the knife is riped from my hand.

"Hey that was my favorite!" I tell jerk face.

He squats down "well isn't that a shame, rouge" says jerk face.

I growl at him.

"You shouldn't provoke her" AG tells him.

"And why not?" Jerk face asks.

"Because she can kick your ass" he tells Jerkface, and I smirk.

Dartman lifts up the net and right when I think I can escape Jerkface puts a chain around my neck.

"I'll believe that when I see it" jerk face tells AG.

"Ok then fight me right here right now!" I tell him

"Shut up rouge!" He yells in my face.

I growl in his face. Then he tightens the chain around my neck. That's sure to leave a mark.

"Don't yell in her face" AG defends me.

They start to argue and Dart man announces that he'll go tell the alpha of my arrival. So Jerkface is holding the chain around my neck not paying attention while arguing to AG. Dart man left and there's no one around. Are people that stupid to think that I don't have another knife!

Ohh well!

I reach down into my boot and I see AG catch my eye then keep arguing. I smirk and pull out my knife. I work on a weak point in the chain that with a little wedge, will come apart, and with little sound, I cut apart the chain. Then I put the knife back in my boot with the 5 others. I'm already missing my other knife; I'll have to go back for it later.

I back away slowly so Jerk face can't lash out and catch me. Then I run.

"Hey she's gone!" I here jerk face yelling.

I shift and hear paws behind me and a powerful aroma coming off of it: Alpha!

I run faster but I can't out run an alpha. My solution? Weave in and out of trees. He gets farther behind but he'll catch up again. I try something else. I jump off a log in front of me to another a few feet in the air. I quickly switch directions and jump off and keep running.

I can hear him growl because of being tricked.

I'm getting close to the boarder and right before I step off I turn around and there's the Alpha, AG, Jerkface, and dartman. I give them a wolffish smirk and a howl before stepping off the territory into no wolfs land. Then I shift back and stick my tongue out at them. Then I trip.

Of course I trip at the worst time. Now where did Ben go?

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