Betting On Love: 4

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I gave myself the once over in the mirror. Sweatpants over my Basketball shorts, a Hollister t-shirt and a hoodie just incase it was cold in school. My hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail to the back, I still looked okay in my regular school outfit.

"Jayden come on we have to go." My aunt yelled from the front room. I walked out and raised my eyebrows, putting my hands on my hips, "You do know you were in the bathroom like for an eternity?"

She rolled her eyes and smiled at me, "I can't never stay in for how long I want." She glanced down at her clock and gasped, "Its 7:57 we are going to be so late for your first class."

We got to my school at 8:15 which meant I missed home room and was also missing 5 minutes of my first period class.


The hallway was very quiet so all you could hear was the Clacking of my Aunts black pumps.

"What's the room number again?" She whispered to me. I looked down at my schedule trying to find the room number, "Statistics...215....Mr.Barkley." I informed her finding the room number.

We walked past a few more doors on the second floor when my aunts hand grasped the door handle. I stopped her hand and gawked at her, "Your seriously not walking me into class."

She eyed me with a confused expression, her eyebrows coming together, "Yes I am... In going to make sure I get a good look at these kids.. Especially if I'm going to have to hurt one of them."

"At least let me go in first since I'm the student, right?" I bargained with her. She slowly nodded her head, pulling the door upon and motioning me to go in first.

I walked in and saw the classroom filled with Caucasian boys and girls with the exception of a African-American boy who I recognized as the basketball player from the court yesterday, he was sitting next to the Caucasian boy that Tylia was obsessed over.

The girls' faces were scrunched up like they smelled something foul, probably at what I was wearing. Their foul looks were replaced with opened mouths as my aunt walked in with her pumps clacking against the hard floor. They started to whisper amongst each other.

"Is that the new girl?"

"I would believe so... Yeah that has to be the new girl."

"Is that the model girl who is dating Ben Bowers?"

"O my gosh, yes it's her...maybe she will give me Bens number?"

My attention turned from the class back to my aunt who was now extending her hand to shake Mr.Barkley's, "I'm Ajadé this is my niece A'Jayden..." She pointed towards me. "I just wanted to come and meet one of her teachers."

"I want to get to know you!" A husky voice yelled out, causing the class to go into fits of giggles.

I looked over at the two players clapping their hands together, I scowled over at them.

My aunt just smiled, she crossed her arms over her suit jacket - she was going to work, she was a Pediatrician even though she also modeled.

She walked over and hugged me tightly, "Tell me all about your day when you get home." She whispered in my ear. "Ben is coming to pick you up today after practice." She announced aloud so the whole class could hear, causing the girls to squeal with joy.

Great today's gym will be crowded with girls for basketball tryouts.

My aunt left and I looked over at the teacher. "Have a seat between Mr.Conrad and Mr.Mitchell." He motioned to the empty chair between the two players from yesterday.

I nodded and slowly walked over to my chair. The teacher cleared his throat before I sat down. "Tell us your name and three facts about yourself before you sit down."

I frowned, I always seemed to be getting put on the spot. I thought for a minute before introducing myself.

"I'm A'Jayden Nicole Love Edwards. I play basketball, I'm from buffalo NY and obviously Ball is life."

"That's what she said!" Damien said, once again the class went into a series of laughter fits.

I glared over at him and turn to my right and saw Adrian who gave me a genuine smile. I gave him a half-smile back before looking at the front with a straight face.

"Now class we will be making surveys of probability, you will have to work in groups of three-"

"Can we choose our partners?" A female purred out, she was twirling her finger in her hair and starring at Adrian and Damien.

"No you will be working with the people right next to you, for example Jayden will be working with Damien Mitchell and Adrian Conrad." Mr.Barkley pointed out.

I looked over t the two boys next to me. Damien was frowning and Adrian face held a blank expression.

I groaned, It was going to be a long year.


Adrian on the Side :3

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2013 ⏰

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