Saturday, October 10th

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Saturday, October 10th
04:45 PM

For most teenagers, weekend would mean going to party, watching movies together, go on a date, and basically just hang out with friends. But as usual, Mary chose not to be on that circle. It felt too long, sometimes she even forget why she was what she was right now. So alone and friendless. But later she remembered Effy. Effy still should have been around, and she'd be 22. And then Mary would remember Stiles, too. She still didn't understand why having friends could be that life threatening. But then again here she was, 17 years old, friendless, and still very much breathing.

Mary was walking back from the bookstore to buy herself some drawing supplies. She was nearing 'that bench' on the way home and at the distance, she could make out someone that had blonde hair. Mary could just walked pass but she halted in front of the bench. She stared for a moment at The Apologizing Smoker Boy- Sam. 'He's so still, is he dead?" Mary slapped heraelf mentally for being so dumb of course he wasn't dead, he was just sleeping. She tried to sit herself beside him as quietly as possible.

He was a quiet sleeper in this quiet street. No other movement beside the rise and fall of his chest. Mary got an idea and she pulled out her brand new drawing notebook and charcoal pencil from the plastic bag she got from the bookstore.

Leaning forward, Mary tilted her head to the side and started taking in his face. She drew an oval slightly wider at the top than bottom and then lightly sketched a vertical line down the center. She drew a horizontal line halfway between the top and bottom of the oval. That line would give her the eye placement. Mary looked up again, his eyes were closed but she could picture it open, she even remembered the colour of his eyes, it was brown. She was looking him intently, taking his every features, his pointy jaws, deep set of eyes, Roman nose... Mary caught herself blushing unconsciously and brushed off the feelings. She told herself it was normal since she had never been around boys.

She continued for another half hour and decided to go home. She took a look at the drawing and comparing it with his still sleeping state. Not bad.. She thought..

Mary made sure her things are back in the bag and got up to buy a cup of coffee at Marwood Coffee Shop across the street. She turned to catch a last glimpse of the sleeping boy on the bench and crossed the road without looking around.

A car jolted to a stop at a distracted running girl in front of it, the driver honked the horn, and shouted at her, "Watch it, Miss!"

"I'm sorry."

Sam woke up by the sound of the loud horn. He streched a bit, wondering just how long he was asleep on this bench. Sam turned his head at the road to check the condition and saw a girl with bouncing light brown curls disappeared inside a coffee shop.

Sam swore he could recognize that figure, 'Was that... The girl Mary?' Sam thought, he furrowed his eyebrows. He just had to wait and he did. When the girl came out Sam could make out her face, it really was Mary. Sam wanted to catch up with her, but then he thought it'd be a tad creepy. He felt like he just had to see her again. And then he got a better idea. Sam crossed the road quickly and entered the Marwood Coffee Shop. Luckily there was no line.

"Good evening, may I have your order?" A pudgy man that looked like he was probably in his mid-fifty offered him a kind smile.

Sam's eyes roaming around the wall to spot the clock. 5:53 PM.

"Uh.. Good evening, Erm I'll have.. Umm Can you remember what the girl that just come out like a minute ago order?"

"You mean Mary?"

"Yes, Mary." Sam confirmed eagerly.

"Why yes she always ordered the same coffee." The man chuckled.

"Great. I'll have that."

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