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Louis didn't notice Harry wake up

so Harry pretended to still be asleep

he closed his eyes until he heard a rattle. it sounded like pebbles in a bottle.

he opened his eyes so they appeared to still be closed but he could see through his long eyelashes. he saw Louis holding a small, blue bottle. he tipped it towards his left hand and three small, white ovals fell out. he lifted his left hand to his mouth and threw his head back and when he brought his hand back down the ovals were gone.


that's what it was.

but why?

curly closed his eyes when Louis turned his head to look at him. Curly heard movement by the window and then the bed dipped in by his hips. a small hand softly brushed against his cheek. curly opened his eyes and Louis smiled. a smile that was so wide it made his eyes disappear and little dimples formed in his cheeks.

"morning angel" he whispered

"morning Lou" curly whispered back

"breakfast?" Louis whispered

"yeah" curly whispered in response

Harry threw his sheets off and blushed because he was only wearing his grey, Calvin Klein boxers.

Louis giggled quietly and Curly smiled and silently went to his wardrobe and put on some jogging bottoms and a white t-shirt.

Lou entwined his fingers with Harry's and they tiptoed down the carpeted stairs even though nobody was home. all Harry could do was stare at their fingers, locked together, all the way to his kitchen.

they crossed the hall, their bare feet making small indents with every step they took across the cream coloured carpet.

when they reached the kitchen doorway Louis stopped and smiled.

"pick me up" he giggled

"why?" Harry chuckled

"well I haven't got any socks on and the marble floor will make my toes cold" he said matter of factly

"fair point" chuckled Harry and picked the small boy up effortlessly and placed him on the island in the middle of the kitchen. Lou sat on the black marble swinging his legs like a toddler and he had a mile wide smile plastered across his glowing face.

curly took one glance at him and knew. he knew that the first time that he'd seen Louis and he'd thought that he loved him he was right.

he smiled down at his feet and turned away from the boy and got some streaky bacon and pancake ingredients out of the fridge. he put the bacon in the pan and it started sizzling whilst he made pancakes in another.

Curly stole a glance at the older boy every once in a while and he saw that Louis was just watching him intently, his smile still on his face. curly turned back around and flipped the bacon and pancakes and turned around once again to glance at the boy and it wasn't until the fire alarm went off did he realise that he was just staring at this older boy's face, and that the bacon was burnt.

Louis' smile disappeared and anger flashed across his face like thunder.

he leapt off the counter, forgetting about cold toes, whilst Harry frantically waved a dishcloth at the fire alarm to get the smoke away. when the alarm was off Harry looked around the kitchen to see that Louis hadn't come back and he frantically ran around the house to try and find him, until finally he heard a stifled sob and a thud from his room.

He opened the door gently and Louis was sat in a corner. His face wet with tears, cradling has right fist.

"Go away. Just go away you idiot"



"What've I done?!"

"you're so stupid! You can't even make fricking pancakes!" He said as a huge sob escaped from his pink lips.

"I'm sorry, i was too busy watching you smile. Y'know you're beautiful when you smile. Forget that, you're beautiful 24/7" Harry breathed

Louis smiled widely and all the anger disappeared from his face.

"You think I'm beautiful?"

"of course"

Lou smiled and ran and hugged Curly. Curly stumbled backwards a bit and Lou wrapped his small arms around Harry's Lower back and squeezed him tightly.

"Louis" Harry mumbled into the older boys hair, which smelt of green apples.

"yes, Harold?"

"what are those pills for?"

"what pills?" Louis said innocently though worry flashed across his face

"you know what I mean Lou" Harry said softly yet sternly

"right. yeah. I do. um" mumbled Lou softly


"I can't tell you" said Louis calmly

"why not?" asked a worried Harry

"because I don't freaking want to! Jeez I don't have to tell you everything! it's not like we're married Harry! Just go away!" he yelled, breaking away from the hug

"no. one, because this is my house and two, because you won't do what I asked you to do" said Harry sternly, looking straight into Louis piercing blue eyes

"fine. I'll leave" said Louis sassily

"fine. and don't come back until you're ready to tell me what those pills are for." said Harry coldly

Louis ran through the house and opened the front door but just as he got to the end of the path Harry softly called out "Louis" and he stopped and turned around

"what" he said angrily

"don't do anything stupid. I'm worried about you" Curly said

"well don't be. I'm nothing to do with you" and with that said he ran away down the deserted road.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2015 ⏰

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