Upon Arriving

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We had finally arrived at colossal Constance Moofushi Resort of Maldives and even though the lobby alone was breath-taking I was still disheartened by Chris figuring out where we were headed as soon as we reached the airport, and him being him he just had to blurt it out. But I suppose they were going to find out soon enough. We stood in the middle of the lobby awestruck by the luxurious place, and I know I saw the pictures when I booked it but in person it's so much better. I made my way over to the front desk to check all of us in and collect our key cards. The composed receptionist handed me all of the key cards after confirming we were here, I thanked him and walked away. The receptionist whose name was 'Clive' even though he looked more of a Vincent called me back "Miss I have just been informed that room 112 and 113 have been booked out by the hotel owner for private use" He looked at me with apologetic eyes.

Sh*t 112 was my room, I don't care how fancy this place is I'm gonna write a very long angry letter concerning this last minute room change.

"What? B-but I booked in advance this can't be" I pleaded. "Well actually it can he's the boss what he says goes I'm afraid. If it makes anything better Mr.Moofushi has offered you the penthouse suite for those who were supposed to stay in 112 and 113, its free of charge due to the sudden inconvenience Mr.Moofushi insists" He looks up from his screen smiling at me.

I didn't know what to say other than Mr.Moffushi seems like an as$hole of a boss, but I'm extremely tired and jetlagged so all I want to do right now is pass out onto a nearby bed so I accepted the offer.

C'mon it's free and would probably be totally dope I mean just look at the lobby and the penthouse damnnn....

"Sounds good thank you, but please inform Mr.Moofushi I want to see him about this" Trying to put on my most stern face, even though inside I was jumping up and down. "Certainly Miss I will let him know, have a nice day now" Before I could even reply to him he was off and away typing on his computer like a mad person. I walked back to everyone looking through the leaflet which lets them know everything I have planned for them, and not to sound cocky but they all looked pumped. I walked up to them handing out the key cards. The only person who didn't have a key card was Adrian.

Great he was room 113. I was sharing the penthouse with Adrian. This won't be awkward one bit!

Judging by his face he didn't look too pissed and he hasn't insisted on changing rooms so I guess that's that. This week I planned to make up with Adrian after our fight I have felt lonely without him he's my right hand I need to fix things, before it becomes un-fixable.

I noticed Chris hadn't left to find his room and he didn't look happy either.

"You can't share a room with her, take my mine" Chris said offering his key card to Adrian. "Chris he's sharing its final no-"I was interrupted by Chris' deep intimidating voice "Can I have a word with Adrian" Chris looked at me as if telling me to give them a moment. "No I –" Chris interrupted me once again "GO. It won't take a minute" He said too sweetly, it scared me.

I watched their discussion from afar both becoming more and more angry by the second I couldn't make out what was being said but from the looks of it, it couldn't be good. I thought about intervening several times as I could see a fight brewing, but I convinced myself to say seated. I was sitting in the lobby a good ten metres away from them and I decided to pick up a magazine to burn some time. Just as I could feel my eyes getting heavy from all the reading I saw a smiley Chris walking up to me wheeling his bag and carrying mine. "Come on we have a room to get to" He said nonchalantly. I was too tired to ask any questions or complain about sharing the room with him, I just stood up and walked over to the lift alongside Chris.

Being as we were staying in the penthouse our key card was different to the others, it was pretty high tech which was snazzy. I set myself on a mission to find the closest sleep-able thing and pass out comfortably on it, doubting that I would make it to the bedroom I crashed out on the sofa.


I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs, which was working miracles in my nostrils. I turned myself over, as I slept on my front and opened my eyes and just let them adjust to the brightness. I sat upright and saw Chris cooking in the kitchen. He spotted me awake "Good morning princess" He said. I groaned at the word 'princess', I don't know why I just hate it and it has always sounded condescending to me. "I'm NOT a princess" I practically roared at him, whilst standing up from the sofa. (I'm not one to be messed with in the morning).

"I can see that" He says after eyeing me up and down. I went to the toilet to brush my teeth and I saw my hair was a complete mess and I had nap lines all down my arms. Hey! I mean I must have had a darn good sleep if I have nap lines!!

I just tidied up my hair and quickly washed my face. I felt so much better already. I decided to join Chris in the kitchen so I leant against the island and started picking bacon off of a plate. "What's the plan for today then missy?" He asked sounding rather cheerful. "Didn't you read the leaflet I gave everyone?" I deadpanned. Knowing the answer and not wanting a fight this early I just told him. "Today we relax and we get settled in, if you read the leaflet you would have seen the list of restaurants, spas, clubs, and golfing clubs in the area, but you're you so you didn't". I said uninterested in the conversation.

He eyed me weirdly and carried on frying the eggs, I figured I needed coffee if I was going to have to interact with him this early. I walked over to the expresso coffee machine and attempted to turn it on, getting rather annoyed I started to bash it and thump it trying to get it to work. "Woah, woah what are you doing" Chris looked at me surprised. "It won't work the stupid machine you'd think in an expensive as$ hotel like this they would get a decent- mid way through my bitch fit Chris reached around the back and flicked the switch and the machine came to life- .....Coffee machine" I trailed off. He started laughing and shook his head at me and went back to flipping his eggs.

Within minutes the coffee machine pinged and my expresso was done, I mentally jumped with joy, because I am caffeine addict and sat their sipping my coffee just watching Chris cook. I was surprised he can cook by judging by the delish smell he's pretty good too, I had him pegged down for a 'My butler and personal five- star chef made it for me' kind of guy...but obviously I was wrong.

"What do you fancy" Chris looked at me expectantly. "Huh?" I replied looking confused as ever. "I just said a whole load of fun things we could do today, weren't you listening?" He said. "Uh, no I wasn't sorry. I was in my own world" I apologised for spacing out. He laughed to himself and showed his extremely sexy smirk. "Well I'm going to the golf club and will probably have lunch out, what were you thinking?" He watches me for my reply. "I was actually thinking of going to the spa today, to relax, I'm still kinda jetlagged from the flight" I answered him. He hummed a 'uh-huh' and went off into what I presumed to be the bedroom.

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