The Meet

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Carla's POV


It was a lovely day to explore After all the gang and me hardly take travel trips. We were in London, Which was really far from Magnolia, Heh we got here by boat Natsu didn't really enjoy that much. He's such a baby some times. How come Wendy can be perfectly fine but he can't? I don't understand that Salamander, Hm... I was still walking I was by myself though I just wanted to have a nice walk by myself for once. I almost had to try and trick Wendy that I wasn't gonna go but she gave up and let me go by myself. Heh same goes with Happy, He wanted to join me too but i had to tie him up T~T

Walking around on the streets thinking to myself I was suddenly this man came up from behind me picked me up and smiled. I was stunned. I surely Didn't expect to have someone bother me... Nor did i expect them to be so.....cute.

"Um excuse me, what are you doing?" I said annoyed yet blushing lightly.

"Oh nothing" He smiled. My heart started to pound and I didn't understand why sure I was embarrassed about him just picking me up but something about his smile... I felt my heart through my chest. I panicked when the thought of actually liking this random man.

"Let me go please!" I squealed Blushing.

"But ur such a pretty kitty hehe" He started petting me and hugging me. He was so nice and felt so warm when he hugged me I found myself hoping it wouldn't end..That he would hug me forever, I purred to his touch

"Mew..." I uttered mistakenly, I was embarrassed by it and it made me blush madly. He laughed and continued, But someone yelled to The man.

"Sebastian! Let the cat go and get back to the Car!" A child in black had yelled to him. He stood next to A old modeled car along with four others.  A girl with glasses, a guy with a hat, another guy with what it seems to be a cigarette in his mouth, an a rather small old man.

"Yes my lord" He said swiftly putting me back on the ground. He walked over to the car and sat in the drivers seat looked at me then drove away with his friends.

I, still standing there, was stunned not really by how This guy was a stranger but how I felt around him

"Sebastian.." I muttered to myself "I have to find him again somehow...One to ask him why he just came up to me and pet me two...Cause.." I stopped and thought about it "Number one is good enough"

Getting out of my trance I decided to head back to the place the gang and I stayed in. All the way I thought about his smile and how happy he was to see me. Found myself smiling in public to my self like an idiot

Finally reaching the place were staying at Wendy went straight for me, hugging me tightly and happily from my return. I was tempted to tell them what happened... But I just let it slide. it was night by this time so I just went to my room and layd on my bed

I thought about him and how I could see him again I thought that maybe I should Go to the same place again hoping that i'd see him.

I kept with the idea and rested my head to sleep.


Thank you for reading this first part of the story and I hope u will read the next!

If you want to recommend anything for the story to progress leave a comment!

Thank Chu!

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