What was descovered...

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~For me~


Carla's POV

"Wha..." I seem to had passed out when I was in the car. Now I found myself in a dark hallway being carried by someone. I suspect by their chest that it was a male and judging by their height it wasn't the young boy I seen before.
Scared, I decided that I would protest this man into letting me go "Excuse me I wish not to be here!" Without saying a word the man tighten his grip, for I was in his arms -because of my size-
"Unhand me" I started as we entered a room with candles lit, a bed, a dresser, and a mirror.
"I mean it!... this is highly disrespectful to have kidnapped a lady-" the man threw me on to the bed and looked at me... it was the man I had seen earlier...the butler.
Terrified as I stared into his devilish eyes I shook.
He started to unbuckle the small jacket I wore and then aimed to take my shirt off
"What the hell do you think your doing?!?" I said slamming my paw on his hands.
"Stay still" he said then turned me on my stomach and pulled my shirt up
I tried to struggle but his grasp was to strong. He examined my back and felt my guild mark
He smirked then walked off closing and locking the door while saying "FairyTail..."
Shocked that he knew the name of my guild.
With that thought I ran up to the door after fixing my clothes
•Grunts• while opening the door and breaks the handle... "oh no... I-I" I fell to the floor and bursts into tears
It was like... all hope... was gone...

Lucy POV

"Guys! How could you had lost Carla?!?" Erza said while I comforted Wendy

"How?!? I couldn't had just gone into the bathroom with her!" Natsu said.
"Natsu... do you have any idea where she would had gone?" I Said
"Well there was someone who wouldn't leave her alone I sent him off" he replied
"Maybe he took her" I said
"And after all that you still let her go by herself!!" Erza shouted
Happy started to cry "can we just calm down and put some posters up? Maybe someone else saw her..."
"I think that is a splendid idea Happy" I said hugging him.
I worried for Carla but I think Erza was taking it to hard on the boys.
I imagine that the reason is because we don't know much about this place, so we decided to start our search.

"Carla!... Carla!...Carla!"
Everyone called as they walked around the carnival we asked the locals if they had seen Carla but had no luck things got serious and we considered a kidnapping occurred
"This is hopeless! If we are going to find her then she most likely isn't here we may need to travel across the city" Gray spoke to us. "Yeah you may be right Gray. Alright then happy and Natsu fly around the city and see what you can find from above, Wendy and Lucy find the local help force (police) Me and Gray  will search the town. Got that? Alright everyone move!" Erza said and we went to our jobs
This city was much bigger and more loud than magnolia but still we moved though we didn't know where to look so we asked the people on the streets "excuse me, do you know where I can find help? A friend was kidnapped and we need help"
The woman spoke to us about Scott and yard and where to find them we went and told them about our missing friend
"We will tell the queens guard dog about this since that is what he usually help with" the chief said.
As soon as he did a tall man came in
"Ah look it's the butler I have a job for the lord Ciel these ladies are looking for their lost friend" he spoke as the man got closer. I noticed him glance at my hand and at Wendy's arm and smile, it made me feel a bit uneasy
"Certainly, my lord will make sure they find their missing friend. Now ladies would you kindly come with me and I'll take you to my lord." He said bowing and we followed.
We drove to this huge mansion and he invited us in.
"Have a seat on the chairs ladies" he said leading us into the dining room "my lord will be with you in a moment"
"Thank you sir..." Wendy said with her head hanging low
"It's okay Wendy we will find her don't wor-"
Everything went black and I felt my head fall on the table...
I opened my eyes and I was chained up to a wall
I struggled and tried to break free but couldn't.
"HELLO? WENDY? ANYONE!" I looked down and still had my keys
"Yes!" I said and wiggled around until they fell then put my foot through the keys hanger and climbed upwards against the wall but fell trying and losing the keys on the floor. Just then the man we saw earlier showed up through the doorway
"Sorry for having you in this location5(2&) I will relocate you now" he approached me then unchained me.;4(
"What do you want from us? Where is Wendy!" I demanded to know
"She is with the one named Carla don't worry they aren't hurt or anything-"
I slapped him
"I demand you let us go now!" I yelled
"Don't be impatient my young lord is doing everyone a favor now if you would come with me I can take you to your friends and explain the reasons of this taking"
Pissed off I decided to go along but I had Virgo's key ready to be summoned.
We went into the dining hall and there sat Wendy and Carla
"Wendy! Carla!" I said running over and hugging them I the. Turned to face the man.
"The reason you are here" a little boy started coming in from behind the tall man "is because magic is needed to stop a powerful source. In other words a huge devil is going to come from hell and attack the whole world aiming to destroy it. With more powerful gems like this" he shows us a dark purple gem "to absorb magic. Enough gems will stop the resurrection of the beast. Now unless you aim to die.... Are you willing to help?......"

To Be Continued...

Thank you so much for reading I'll upload the next part as soon as I can
Thank You

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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