Torn Between Two (One Direction Fan Fic)

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Chapter 10

Anna's Pov

'-I love you.' I breathed out. I stared into Nialls beautiful eyes. I watched as his lips curved up into a smile. I then felt myself smiling too.

'Anna..' Niall whispered as he looked at my lips. I smirked and wrapped my arms around his neck. 'Kiss me.' I whispered.

And he did. I felt my insides melt. My heart was thumping crazily against my chest. Our lips moved in sync. I bit his lip slightly. I felt Niall smile as he granted my entrance.

I ran my hands through his soft blonde hair as Niall ran his hands up my back. The kiss was so passionate, so perfect.

We both pulled away pantibg and gasping for air. Niall held me close. 'Will you be my girlfriend?' Niall asked shyly as he blushed. He was just too cute!

'Yes!' I exclaimed without hesitation as I hugged him tightly. I felt warm and happy in Nialls arms. I closed my eyes and breathed in the lingering smell of his citrus deodrant.

There was a loud thumping at the front door, which caused us both to jump. I looked up at Niall. 'What the hell?' I mumbled as the thumping continued. Niall raised an eyebrow as he released me from his grasp. 'Wait here.' He whispered as he slowly made his way to the front door.

I begun to feel a little scared an anxious. I felt myself shaking with fright. 'Its Harry!' Niall hissed quietly to me.

I frooze. What was he doing here?! My head throbbed. I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair. 'Let him in. He probably wants to see me.' I mumbled. Niall nodded and obediantly opened the door.

Harry pushed the door with great force, causing it to hit back onto the wall. I jumped.

'What the fuck do you think your doing?' Harry yelled. His face was red with rage and his hands were balled into fists at his side. Niall frowned.

'What are you on about Harry?' Niall spat. I stood shaking in the hallway.

Harry shoved Niall up against a wall. 'Your stealing Anna from me!' Harry shouted as he shook Niall violently by the shoulder. I gasped. I didnt like where this was going.

'What the fuck Harry!' Niall roared which caused his face to turn red. Niall pushed Harry of him. Harry smirked evily.

'I saw you two. Kissing and hugging.' I watched as Nialls mouth dropped. I shook wildly with terror. I was paralised with fear.

Harry laughed bitterly. 'Shoulda closed your sitting room blinds.' Niall gritted his teeth. He balled his hand into a fist, and with great force, he punched him straight in the nose.

'Niall! Stop!' I screamed as he punched Harry in the stomach. Blood was pouring down Harrys face and onto the floor. Harry wiped his nose with his sleeve and slowly stood up. He begun kicking Niall in the stomach. Niall howled in pain and collapsed onto the floor.

Harry continued kicking Niall as he lay writhing on the floor. 'Stealing my girlfriend. Not a fucking chance!' Harry roared as he began punching Niall.

Before my brain could register what I was doing, I jumped onto Harry and grabbed his hair. 'Leave him alone!' I repeatedly howled as tears streamed down my face.

Harry backed away from me and frowned. 'How could you Anna?' He asked as blood continuously poured from his nose. I could hear Niall crying. Anger bubbled through my veins. 'Get out! Get out of my life!' I screamed as I pointed to the door. I knelt down to Niall. He was now unconsious on the floor.

'Anna..' Harry said as he put his hand on my shoulder. I turned to him as tears spilt down my face. 'I hate you! Get away from me, ok? Get out!' I wailed.

I watched as Harry slowly walked out the door. I stood up and locked the door behind him. Niall was so white, apart from the black and purple bruises which had formed on his head. I begun to cry harder.

'Niall?' I whispered. But I got no response. I sniffed and wiped my face as I pulled out my mobile phone. I typed in the emergency number and waited paitenly for an operater to pick up.

I held Nialls hand tightly. A mans deep voice came through the phone. 'Emergency service, which service do you require?'

'An ambulance. To 21 Lark Drive, London. Hurry.' I said in a quavering voice. I hung up and looked down at Niall.

'Its going to be alright Niall. Ok? I love you. I really do.' I whispered as tears fell down my face.

Minutes later I heard sirens comming towards the house. I stood up and unlocked the door as two men ran in with a stretcher.

They hovered over Niall examining him. They mumbled some medical terms to each other as they strapped him onto a stretcher. I ran over and kissed Nialls cheek quickly.

'You'll be fine. I love you.' I said almost inaudibly. I ran outside behind the two paramedics.

'Would you like to accompany him?' A kind woman asked. She must have been the ambulance driver. Her long black hair was in a ponytail under her cap. She had lovely hazel eyes. I smiled slightly and nodded as she helped me up into the ambulance.

Hey, just to let you know, Harry and Niall would never fight in real life like this!! Please comment and vote!! :)

-Kt xx

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