Torn Between Two (One Direction Fan Fic)

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Chapter 11

Anna's Pov

I felt myself nodding off in the waiting room. It had been nearly 3hours and I still hadnt heard any news about Niall.

I was still trumatised after what happened. Ive never seen Niall or Harry like that before.

My head rested on my hand. I felt my eyes grow heavy. Before I knew it I fell into a deep sleep.

'Miss?' A voice asked. I frowned and opened my eyes. I looked up to see an old male doctor hovering over me. 'Miss?' He asked again. I recognised he had a german accent. He smiled down on me. 'Ah, we have news on Niall.'

I shoot upright in the horrible plastic seat. I prayed silently in my head for good news.

'I am Doctor Hoffman. I am sorry to say Niall has very serious injuries.' My heart sunk.

'But,' The doctor began as I sat upright in my seat, eager. '-They are not life threatning. He has suffered some internal bleeding. But we have sorted that. He will be in alot of pain, but he should be recovered in a week.'

I jumped up and hugged the Doctor. I felt him tense up under my embrace. 'Thankyou!' I shouted excitedly. The doctor smiled wearily. 'You may see him now. His room is number 23 down the hall.' The doctor said whilst pointing down the hall.

I smiled and walked briskly down the hall to his room. I seen the number 23 on a white door. I took a deep breath and entered the room.

Niall lay motionless on the bed, hooked up to some machienes. I held back tears. I slowly pulled a chair up beside Nialls bed. I reached down and held his hand gently. His eyes fluttered slowly opened. I smiled as I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

Niall smiled weakly at me. 'Dont cry Anna. Ill be ok.' He said in a croaky voice. I kissed his hand.

'How do you feel Ni?'

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 'Better now that your here.' He smiled. I put a hand through his soft blonde hair. 'Ill never let this happen again. Im done with Harry. I wont be held responsible for my actions next time I see that little...' Niall shushed me.

'Forget about him. I love you Anna, and I will never treat you like he did.' Niall said calmly. I placed my hand on his cheek.

'Kiss me.' He whispered. I looked into his bright blue eyes and placed my lips on his.

His soft lips moved against mine in unison. It was a sweet gentle kiss, but perfect at the same time.

Behind me, I heard someone clear their throat. I swiftly turned around to see Doctor Hoffman. I felt my cheeks heat up. 'S-sorry.' I mummbled while avoiding his gaze.

'That is quite alright. But Niall needs his rest.' That was code for get out now. I polietly smiled and stood up. Niall grabbed my hand. 'Take care of yourself, ok princess?'

My heart melted. He just called me his princess, how cute is that?! I smiled. 'Ill be fine Niall, just concentrate on getti.g better.' I began walking out of the room.

'Anna, I love you, ok?' Niall called weakly after me. I turned around to face him. 'I love you too Niall.'

I walked briskly out of the hospital feeling bubbly. Niall said he loved me twice, and called me his princess. I just felt so happy after everything that happened. I smiled polietly at the receptionist as I left the hospital.

It was dark outside and quite brezzy. I tucked my hands into my pockets as I walked down the path. It was a long enough walk back to my house.

The streets were mostly empty, apart from the odd car that passed by. I walked through a street in which Harrys house was located.I walked past Harrys house quickly, hoping he didnt see me.

Just as I walked by, I heard a door slam shut. I ignored it, and didnt dare turn around.

Footsteps followed me, but I tried to take no notice. I began to quicken my pace.

But the footsteps grew quicker.

I felt petrified, and broke into a cold sweat. I began running down the street as fast as I could. And as predicted, the footsteps broke into a run too.

I felt my heart thump crazily as I sprinted down the road. I tried to turn to see who was following me. But the strong breeze made my long hair swing into my face blocking my vision.

Before I knew it, I ran into the side of a pole. Trust me to be this stupid.

My head was in agony, but I tried to stand up before the footsteps caught up with me, but the world swirled around me. I swayed dangerously, probably looking drunk.

The footsteps grew closer, and I began to panic. I started to jog in a random direction, but the dizziness caused me to bump into a post box.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I didnt hesitate to scream loudly. But a hand covered my hand, muffiling my screams.

The dizziness prevented me from identifying my attacker. I squirmed and tried to push the person away from me, but the person was too strong.

I was pushed roughly to the ground, I looked up and sqwinted my eyes to see the attacker.

It was a man. With a mop of brown curly hair.

I frooze in fear. It couldnt be?

Could it?

'You cant just get away that easily, love. Your mine now.' The deep voice snarled just seconds before I blacked out.

Hops you enjoyed, please comment/vote :)

- Kt xx

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