The Arrival

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The door swings open as we approach. Two fanciful men in suits smile as they hold open the door. The ballroom appears beyond luxurious. A golden chandelier hangs from the hand-carved, high-top ceiling. A grand, oak staircase meets my eyes from the back of the room swirling on either side to the second floor. Aligning the walls are opulent portraits of previous kings and popes. A live orchestra compels the crowd of guests to dance in the center of the ballroom. Along the sides are circular, wooden tables with a pale white cloth on top. A candlestick holds these cloths in place. The guests are all in lavish cloths. The women wear elaborately-decorated dresses that flow down past their ankles with their hair pinned up. The men wear sumptuous dark suits with white collars. Every person is speaking and laughing and adoring the grand event. It all feels surreal. I have never experienced such festivity in my life.

Mother tugs my hand and gestures to an empty table close to the staircase. As we walk by the families, they greet us with friendly smiles. I never envisioned the aristocracy with such affectionate characteristics. A butler met us at the table with a menu, taking the time to seat us comfortably. After taking our order, he swiftly walked off.

"Isn't this nice? Are not you glad for my intervening in your opinions?" Mother smiles.

"I admit so. Why can we not live like this for our lives?"

My mother giggled. "The people that live extravagantly have something coming to them. Real soon, a fall will sweep the nation. No ones life lasts perfect forever."

I have trouble comprehending what she means. I am just told to gather drinks from a surrounding table of beverages. As I take some, an old, friendly man stands beside me. "How are you, little fellow?"

"Fantastic! I have never known such luxury to exist." I respond, energetically.

The smile fades on his face. "Let me ask you something. Have you ever known of such as the San-Culottes?"

I shake my head.

"Child..." he pauses. "I have done my fair share of living in this world and I have to say in my years of life, I have never experienced such unrest as I have in the past two years."

I stare into his alerted eyes. I cannot comprehend what he means with this.

"I, I have exhausted my time in this life. But you, child, your life has just begun. I give you my good blessings and I bid you farewell." He nods and walks off. I stare him down, attempting to interpret his meaning. But all I discover is where his seating is. His table is closer to the door where the friendly doormen greet the next arrival of guests.

I walk with an empty feeling and it bothers me. Before I know it, a woman bumps into me. "Child, are you lost?"

My mind comes back to the festivity. I search around and visually find my table. I smile at the woman. "Not anymore, I am just exploring." My reassurance somehow distresses her. "I apologize, I did not mean to distress you."

She blinks away a tear. "No, no. It is definitely not your fault. They say tonight is the last night of festivities. This is the last chance to be happy."

"And why is that so?" I ask.

She tries to smiles. "The queen of peace will arrive tomorrow. Now go, go child. Enjoy the night for what it is." She waves and glides away. I am left with another riddle to unravel.

As I revisit my table, the drinks have been served. "What kept you so long?" Brother asked.

"I was lost." That was all that came from my mouth.

My parents keep speaking and laughing with my brother. They are having a grand time. I'm contemplating the meaning of the conversations I had. But before I can figure anything out, a knocking is heard at the door

For once, the doormen will not open the door. But the people at the door will not leave so quickly. A gunshot is heard. The wood in the door is splintered. But that is not all the damage inflicted by the bullet. One of the doormen screams as the bullet penetrates his back. He falls to the floor. The second doorman attempts to keep both the doors shut. But a second gunshot is heard. This time the bullet reaches his neck. Blood is seen flowing out. He loudly chokes on his own blood. After some time, he eventually falls to the floor with his dead friend.

The doors swing open.

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