Chapter Ten - So Cold

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One month later...

The month had passed in the blink of an eye, and I was lucky enough to spend everyday with Daniela; back in the Czech Republic, having taken off a week for this occasion.

Though, with those days passing so fast, the day I was dreading most, was coming up quickly.

In fact, tomorrow was the day.

For two years now, I've hated having to live through November 30th.

With Anna gone, it just wasn't the same.

I missed seeing her face light up next to me in the morning, waiting for me to wish her a happy birthday; something I would put off for awhile, just to tease her.

We'd spend most of the day in bed; unless I had a game, in which case, we'd celebrate at the MTS Centre, or she'd come on the road trip with us.

She always hated the freezing weather and snow, so we'd spend the day cuddled up in bed, watching all her favourite movies.

Then, after taking a nap together, we'd always run over to a nearby restaurant, hand-in-hand. With the wind burning our face, and the snow crunching beneath us, we'd always end up in stitches.

And after eating, the guys and their wives and girlfriends would invite us over for desert; which was normally a cake.

They really did love Anna...

We'd be up until all hours of the night; drinking and talking with everyone, until Anna could barely keep her eyes open.

And once we'd arrive back home, I'd finally present her with her gift.

I had a specially-made ring with the words "Mrs. Pavelcová" engraved on the inside.

"I know you're not ready to get married, so this is a promise ring." I told her, watching a smile grow across her face. "And one day, you will be Mrs. Pavelcová."

Sadly, that day never did come...

...And we only celebrated one birthday together, but we sure as hell made the day one I'd never forget.

It was then, that I felt a tear stream down my face.

"Ondrej!" Daniela cried, shaking me.

I had no idea I was dreaming, until she woke me up.

"Why are you crying?" She asked, concerned.

I shook my head and shrugged, "Bad dream..."

I lied.

It was one of the best dreams I'd ever had; dreaming about one of the best days of my life.

But, I'd still never wanted to tell Daniela about Anna. I wasn't ready for her to see that side of me just yet.

As much as I loved her, I didn't want to burden her with something like this. And I definitely didn't want her to think I didn't love her.

I turned to grab my phone, and turned it on.

11:00 AM.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath, tossing the blankets off my body.

"What's wrong, Ondra?" She cooed, furrowing her brows.

"Don't call me that," I growled, slipping on a pair of pants.

Anna always called me 'Ondra', and ever since her death, I forbid anyone ever call me that again.

"Sorry," she backed off, "Where are you going, Ondrej?"

"I'm late..." I hesitated, "For a meeting..."

"Wow, convincing," she rolled her eyes, getting out of bed. "Where are you actually going?"

"Jakub, Jiri and I were supposed to meet up ten minutes ago!" I insisted.

She approached me, and grabbed the collar of my shirt.

"You better not be going to another girl's house, I swear-"

I pressed my lips to hers softly, cutting her off mid-sentence.

"Of course not, love," I winked, racing out the door.


On my ride there, the rain began to pour heavily; reflecting my current mood.

I always felt my heart beat slower, and my breathing hitched every time I came here.

Although, I always put those feelings aside. Because today's Anna's day.

Once reaching Anna's resting place, I knelt before it, tracing my fingers along the engraving.

                       Anna Mičková
Loving Daughter, Aunt and Girlfriend.

My fingers began to shake nervously upon the last word.

"You left us all too soon, baby girl," I sighed, standing up and wiping the dirt from my hands and knees, "I hope you're watching down on us, smiling that famous smile of yours... I hope you're proud of what we've become, and what we've all overcame. You were one of a kind, my girl; but today, today's your day. Go out and party with all your loved ones up there - but not too hard, of course. Have enough fun for the both of us, alright? Someday I'll see you again, and kiss and hug you once more... But, until then. I love you, Anna Mičková."

I brought my gaze back down to the ground, and smiled, wiping away a single tear from my cheek.

With having only cried a single tear, I knew then that I truly had moved on. Although I still loved her, and always will, I knew I needed to move on, and start a family in her honour.

"Good-bye, Anna..." I smiled, looking up at the sky before heading off.


Once reaching my car, I was soaked, and my hands and knees were covered in dirt. I laughed at myself, then glanced up briefly.

"Anna, you knew I'd be coming here today," I chuckled, "Why'd you have to make it tough on me, and make it rain?"

She was always one to pull a prank or two.

"If I didn't love you so much," I chuckled, starting up the engine.

I got back home twenty minutes later, having been met in the living room by Daniela, holding up my phone.

"Who the hell is this?"

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