"You and me are sisters and no guy can come between us"

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Its been a couple weeks and Brandon and Callie couldn't get enough of each other. Callie would go to some of Brandon's functions she loved it when he played . Callie was never home and she liked it that way.

"I'm going out"she told Jill 

"You going to see Brandon"Sophia said all seductive

Callie blushed

"Honey don't you think you have seen enough of each other this week"Jill said trying to get her to stay home 

"No I like spending time with him"

"What about school"

"Its summer Jill"she grabbed her purse"Don't wait up"she told them and walked out the door

"Do you think Dad will be angry "Sophia asked 

"Nah, this is you sisters first summer fling it will die down "

 Callie arrived at Brandon's house she walked up and heard laughed it has been to long since she heard laughing in the house.Se knocked on the door A girl answered the door

"Hello can I help you"she asked 

"Yes, is Brandon home"Callie asked with a smile

"Yes,come in"she opened the door more

Callie walked in and saw all the pictures on the wall 

"Brandon someone is here to see you""And its a girl"she said all surprise 

Brandon ran in from the kitchen"Callie"a big smile appeared on his face he gave her a kiss and then just held  her 

"So this is Callie"his sister asked 

"Yes, Callie this is my annoying little sister Mariana"

Callie laughed"Nice to meet you"

"Is it true you father is Robert Quinn"

"Yes"she smiled at her 

"OMG I love his designs she gushed 

"Mar that is enough"he rubbed Callie's arm"Come on I'll let you meet the more normal people in my family"

Everyone was sitting at the dinning  room table

"Guys, there is someone I would like you to meet"he told them

Everyone turn towards them

"Callie this is my Mom Stef my stepmom Lena,next to her is my brother Jesus and my other brother Jude"

"You have two Mom"she said a little shocked

"Yes is that gonna be a problem"

"No"she shook her head "I never really met a family like that I heard about it though"she told him

"We are just about to play a game you want to join Honey"Stef asked

"Stef  we just met her don't scare her off with your competitiveness"Lena said

"No it should be fun I'd love to join"Callie said 

Lena pulled up another chair over"Callie you can sit next to Brandon"she told her

"Cal, I don't think you know what you are getting yourself into my Mom can be..''

"Watch it young man"she pointed at him

Both Callie and Brandon sat down he held her hand 

"So my son here has not stop talking about you"Stef told her 

Brandon & Callie ~Teenage LoveWhere stories live. Discover now