"I can't let you give up your dream''

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Callie was over at Brandon's house for a cook out for Jude's birthday .Everyone loved Callie and loved how she brought out this new side of Brandon. Stef watched her son and how  he would look at her as she was telling them about ho she got into college for photography.Brandon loved seeing Callie excited about something 

"So when do you start classes Callie"Lena asked

"At the end of the Summer"she told her 

"I'm proud of you babe"Brandon kissed her head

Stef and Callie were setting the table"You doing alright Callie"she asked

"Ya I'm fine"she gave her a small smile then looked over at Brandon who was helping Lena cook"Brandon and my Dad haven't left my side"

"They just worry about you because they love you"

"I know,I am so thankful to have Brandon.I don't know what I would have done without him these past months"

Brandon came over to them"Do you two need any help"he asked

""No we got it"Stef told him

Mariana hollered to Callie"Callie come over her let me teach you my new dance routine"

"Oh I don't know "she sounded so unsure of herself

"Come on go have fun"Brandon pushed her towards

Callie went to Mariana and Brandon came and stood next to Stef

Stef looked at her son"It sounds like that Callie doesn't know about Julliard"

"No I haven't told her"

"Why not she will be so proud of you"

"I know she will be proud of me but I don't want her to get upset.She is finally in a good place"

"B, you can't be afraid of getting Callie upset she will never learn to control her emotions"

"But I know she will be upset when she finds out her Dad got me in"

The next thing they heard was a glass fall.They turned around and saw Callie ready to cry


"What do you mean my Dad got you in, got you in where"she asked

"Come on lets go talk in my room

Once they were in his room Callie was pacing

"Callie I wanted to tell you I got into Julliard so bad but when I found out your helped me get a scholarship.I knew you would react like this"  

 "I knew I couldn't trust him Brandon I knew.He doesn't love he doesn't want me happy"

"Callie he loves you."

"Then why is he trying to take you away from me.I thought he finally came around but no he will never change"

Brandon went over to her"Cal Please don't be mad at him,you two are finally in a good place"

Callie stormed out of his room,Brandon followed her"CALLIE WAIT"he yelled for her 

"Brandon he needs to tell me why"

"Sweetie you are to upset I don't want you to regret"

"I need to hear from him why he is taking you away from me"she said as she grabbed her purse

Brandon grabbed her arm"Cal,no one and I mean NO ONE is taking me away from you,Come here"he pulled her into a hug"I'm not leaving you"he whispered in her ear

"But that school is in NYC thats on the other side of the world"

"More like the other side of the country"

"It will feel like the world being away from you"she held him tight

"Will you come with me "she said as her head was on his chest

"Sure lets go"he kissed her hand and went to

As he was driving them to Robert's Brandon looked over at Callie who was crying"Cal, you ok"

"I don't know why he would do this"

Brandon took her hand and kissed it"I not going"

"No Brandon that is crazy.I can't let you give up your dream''

"But knowing I got in because of your Dad it wouldn't feel right about going"

"But Julliard is  your true love"

"No I'm looking at my true love"he smiled at her

Callie ran into the house looking for Robert

"Hey Cal, did you have fun"

"How could you Dad"she shot at him

"What did I do Callie"he was confused

"I know about Julliard"she put her hands on her hips

Brandon came in the living room. Robert took on look at him

"Oh man,Callie sweetheart you got to understand I did that before anything happened I swear"

"But why didn't you stop it after you changed your mind about Brandon'

"When you wound up in the hospital and I finally saw how Brandon loved you and how he was worried. I totally forgot I did it ,all I cared about was you getting better

"Thank you Sir but I can't accept it"Brandon told him

"No Brandon I told you in the car don't give it up. You are so gifted"she said 

"And I told you I'm not giving you up"

Callie took a deep breathe and closed her eyes"Well then I need to let you go,because I can't let you give up on your dreams"

"Callie what are you saying"Robert asked

"If don't go Brandon I know you are going to regret so I'm letting you go live you dream"

"Cal, are you, are you breaking up with me"

Callie walked up to him and wiped her tears away"I love you to much,you can't give up your dream for  some girl"she started crying

"Your not just some girl Callie"

"I know but you need to go,but I'll be here when you come back"she gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek

"I love you Callie Quinn"

"I love you Brandon Foster"

Brandon walked out of the house and as soon as Callie heard the door close she broke down 

"Callie what you did was really brave of you"he went up to hug her

"DON"T Its your fault he is going.I'm so mad at you.We would still be together"she ran up to her room

Brandon & Callie ~Teenage LoveWhere stories live. Discover now